Seriously? Seven months?

Oct 27, 2012 22:15

Greetings Flisters!

Whew. Has it really been 7!!! months since I last posted? Why, yes. Yes it has. *hangs head*

Well, apologies. I'm not as active as I so want to be on LJ. Honestly, the three job thing kind of fries my brain, but I do read everything and really look forward to seeing posts from everyone. And even if I can't comment sometimes, I want everyone to know how much I rely on reading my flist every day. :D

Okay…so what's been going on in Skyeville? Sooooo much. Let's go behind a cut so I can catch everyone up. :D

Let's see, I spent April getting ready for my oldest to graduate from high school, working at municipal court and editing like a maniac. My business partner and I also had a couple of releases through Ellipses and I'll do a follow up post with the deets after this.

May and June was more of the same only with the actual graduation and even more editing work. The youngest spent most of both months with the grandparents because they're WAY cooler than hanging with Mom, Dad, and the icky brothers. :D I also got my author blogs set up and semi-ready to go. Haven't done much in the way of posting yet, but I am building a WIP page for each pen name. I'll probably ask for some feedback if anyone would be willing to provide it.

July turned into my month from hell. Graduation party for the oldest. Three, yes THREE trips to the emergency room for the middle kidlet, the last of which resulted in an overnight stay, and the daughter took a spill off one of the grandparents' horses and got banged up. Thankfully no trip to the emergency room. Seriously…I wondered if Children Services would end up knocking on my door to find out what the hell. LOL

August and September had me working at muni court, editing and covering the end of the season at the golf course. I also released a third title with Ellipses and the younger two kidlets went back to school. THANK YOU UNIVERSE!! My middle one plays football and oi…I'm so not that mom. The one who can watch her kid play football. I'm fine if and when they come home bleeding and/or if someone calls to say one of them has been hurt…but actually SEEING it happen? I'm a total nut case. It's not pretty. So…I made it to two of his home games and thankfully, he's just fine with that. Maybe I'll get over the irrational fear I'll end up watching him get carted away in an ambulance, but yeah, not gonna hold my breath.

BTW…first home game I went to? I got there at half-time and guess what I'm greeted with? Yep. Someone getting hauled away in the ambulance. I seriously almost turned around and left. LOL Didn't matter if the kid played for the opposing team or not. *shakes head* I may need therapy before I get him all the way through high school.

October, so far, has been awesome. At the beginning of the month I got to take a much needed 'me time' vacay for some serious fangirling with ez_as_pi in Birmingham. A picspam post will probably follow. (Seriously…apologies in advance for spamming the flist. When I get on a roll, you all suffer. LOL)

Finishing up at the golf course, I'm pretty sure I worked my last shift this morning. We're supposed to the remnants of Sandy and the course closes on October 31. It was like 36 degrees when I opened and pouring rain. We stuck around for about two and half hours then closed up. Only the truly insane golf in weather like we had today. And it did get up to about fifty, but the wind and rain continued all day. Bleh.

And holy crap…October 31 is in three days, then it's November and Turkey Day, followed by December and Xmas…and shit…January and 2013. Where the hell does the year go? LOL

Anyway, speaking of end of year stuff. Even with the three jobs, I do write every day. Sometimes it's original stuff and sometimes I dive back into fanfic, which is always near and dear. :D I've had a tradition of posting 12 Days of Ficmas and have plans to do so again this year. I'm hoping to do a combination of the original with fanfic again. If anyone has thoughts, or preferences, please let me know. :D

What's up with everyone else? Drop in and let me know. What're you watching on the TV? My appointment viewing is kind of long and varied. Right now, Arrow tops my list of faves. I'm also watching Alphas, Warehouse 13, Sons of Anarchy (and boy, do I have a LOT of thoughts about this show…) Fringe (*meep*), Haven, and The Walking Dead. Lost Girl is also one of my fave shows and I'm really looking forward to seeing it come back. Hmm. And Merlin. Copper is on tap on the DVR. I just couldn't find the time to watch while it aired. And the best thing about December being around the corner is Doctor Who on Xmas Day. WOO!!

Hmm. I guess that's it for now. Hopefully I'll actually start posting at least on a monthly basis. But no one is going to hold their breath, right? LOL

Catch everyone on the flip.



skyeville, real life, personal

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