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Comments 17

coffeebased December 25 2011, 14:53:31 UTC
Aww, I will add you up, but I am really still not leaving LJ. Could you do the cross-post-y thing so I can still check it out? :(


mlina December 25 2011, 16:27:19 UTC
:( I could, actually. But I kind of want to start fresh?

I guess, in some ways, I've been thinking of really leaving LJ for good... it's just that I couldn't seem to get out the door? /will grant you access on DW? ;; Sorry, I just feel like this is for the best.

P.S. I owe you that mp3 track ;; I'm sorry I've just been so hectic. We're still pushing through with it though, if you're still game?


coffeebased December 29 2011, 05:00:38 UTC
I'm still game if ever :)


mlina December 29 2011, 05:06:42 UTC
Yaaay~ I will... just get my stuff together and then I will work on something to send to you sflkjhasdfljh



thelostmaximoff December 25 2011, 17:35:44 UTC
Psst, your Christmas present is on my lj. I really might have to look into this dreamwidth thing. It seems like lots of people are migrating there.


mlina December 25 2011, 19:27:30 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FIC FROM WES okok let me just... finish this and I will read

if wes moves to dw i will be very happy? sdlfkjh


whisper132 December 26 2011, 02:19:34 UTC
Happy holidays, love, and I've added you on DW. Keep in touch, you hear? *hugs*


mlina December 26 2011, 05:23:40 UTC
Oh! Most definitely!

tbh i kind of squeed when i saw you add me on dw asdfkjhasdlfkjhasd h-hello? we haven't been properly introduced but hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


whisper132 December 26 2011, 05:26:40 UTC
I always read your posts, but I'm a lazyass at commenting. I'll try to be better about that.


mlina December 26 2011, 05:28:57 UTC
uguuuuuuuuuuu o/////////////o

thank youuuu

/properly introduces self: hi, i am noey <3 what can i call you |DDDDDDDD


cindyg December 26 2011, 02:57:08 UTC
Welcome to Dreamwidth! I used it as my mirror journal ever since one of my online friends went to work for them (their buena mano employee, no less), and have been a cross-posting witch ever since.

Will be off to add you to my circle there. *grin*

My LJ will stay up, but I'll be posting out of DW instead of directly to; except for the little app on my Tabbie that does what Loudtwitter used to do, and will only ever post to LJ my Twitter feed for the day (private, to spare LJ layouts).


mlina December 26 2011, 05:24:57 UTC
Added you back, po! :DDD I'm having ridiculous amounts of fun with DW, tbh.


vivamente September 26 2012, 05:44:50 UTC
Whoa this has been heaps long because I haven't even checked LJ in ages, but I would love to reconnect, so I'm adding you in DW! I am saga there if you end up seeing a weird notif in your box haha.


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