[final post/moving house] and counting the change, she goes;

Dec 25, 2011 22:31

I was contemplating leaving this for the end of the year, but I got my notification just this afternoon that everything here has been properly imported to the new place so I'm saying my farewells now.

I've been on LJ since 2003 and in the years since then, this place has served not only as a place to air my thoughts and ideas, fic, shenanigans and whathave you -- it has also been my home in this wide, wide world called the Internet. It's no small matter to say that this place had as much to do with my growing up as the rest of the stuff that's included in my life dear lord, what the hell is with that first entry, anyway.

Most of the time, when we refer to the Internet we say "online" and then for things not on the Internet we chuck them under the heading "Real Life". For me, both were/are real. It's just that sometimes, I go meet my friends for tea and cake at the mall or food strip, and then other times, I log in and join the crazy epic community that uses words and emoticons and gifs and links to supercede the fact that we have miles between us.

I made lots of friends here, gained confidence, learned to find my voice, lost myself along the way and then found myself all over again. For that, thanks, LJ.

Some things don't last forever, though.

In the same vein as the move that some other people are doing, I am officially migrating over to Dreamwidth. mlina will remain up and mostly intact provided LJ doesn't do anything that will prompt me to lock things wholesale. My stand on keeping my entries public remains the same, I'm just doing it somewhere else now.

If you have a Dreamwidth account and would like to keep in touch or reconnect, I would quite honestly love it if you added me up. My username is thelittleone. I have nothing to offer as a lure except myself and the amount of lulz I am capable of generating at any one time.

For those of you who don't have a Dreamwidth account but who would like to keep in touch anyway, I'd love it if you dropped on by. Like I said, the virtual doors of my new and spiffy home are wide open. I'm usually somewhere in the back, fixing stuff.

Merry Christmas, you guys. Hope to see you soon! --N.

this is my life, so long and thanks for all the fish

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