Last night Gregg came over and we rented Blades of Glory. After the movie we started watching CourtTV. Dominick Dunne's Power Privilege and Justice was on. I forgot who the famous couple was (some old actors from like, 1940something)... So anyway, the show has friends and family members of the couple talking about them. There was this one old woman
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Okay, so I wear/ have worn Old Navy basic flip flops pretty much all summer, every summer since 2001. My feet sweat a lot, but less so in flip flops. A few years ago I noticed something, and it still boggles my mind to this day
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"I always enjoy the art on the airplane. Where else are you going to see a portrait of a man throwing a bag lunch, a maxi pad, a jar of Snapple and a Depends undergarment into the john?"
I watched Silence of the Lambs for the first time on Sunday night. Gregg brought it over and we had movie night. Now I understand so many references. I thought of the Manions (specifically Robbie and Matt) during the "It puts the lotion on the skin..." part. JAJA!
Somewhere on my uncle's side of the family, is this kid (now 21) whom will always be known as "Little Paulie". Little Paulie was the rudest most disrespectful little shit of a child. He pretty much terrorized all of us at my grandfather's wake 11 years ago. Apparently he grew up, graduated high school and decided against college. Instead of college
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