Last night Gregg came over and we rented Blades of Glory. After the movie we started watching CourtTV. Dominick Dunne's Power Privilege and Justice was on. I forgot who the famous couple was (some old actors from like, 1940something)... So anyway, the show has friends and family members of the couple talking about them. There was this one old woman who was wearing these ridiculous blue sunglasses. They were BRIGHT BLUE. The lenses and the frames were all the same uniform color. You couldn't see this woman's eyes cause the glasses were so dark blue! You could only see a faint bit in the center and see her eyes blinking. So Gregg and I are discussing this woman's sunglasses and how crazy they are.
A commercial came on and when the show came back, I guess Gregg wasn't really paying much attention. Then they showed the woman with the blue sunglasses again and I turned to Gregg and said, "TAKE THOSE FUCKING GLASSES OFF!" So Gregg goes, "okay" and takes his glasses off. I was like, "...No, not you!!!" Then I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face and I couldn't stop! Gregg realized what happened and was embarrassed but started laughing too. I haven't had a good laugh like that in soooo long!!!! It took us (mostly me) about 15 minutes to pull it together. JAJAJAJA!!!!