Eternal Summer +chapter 2+

Oct 05, 2008 01:58

Eternal Summer +chapter 2+
Fanfic by Mizuno
Rating : PG-13 for this chapter
Pairing : lovely Akame ^^;
Summary : Akanishi Jin was haunted by the same dream every night… When he went to the beach in his dream to solve the mystery, he met Kamenashi Kazuya, a guy who hate him so much…
A/N : ouch… yes, I knew this part is kinda short~~ (>0<)

betaed by carey_chan. Thx 4 ur help, dear ♥♥♥


Once again, the same dream haunted him…

A clear blue sky, cloudless, so high above him…
The breeze hold the fragrance of sea-salty water…
Then he saw hiw own back, sit on the white sand, facing towards the sun, framed like a silhouette…
The golden sunshine warmed his tanned perfect body, he lift up his face to feel the warm embrace more… when he realized that someone walked towards him and sit three-feet-away beside him.
Then, his heart will burst with excitement and unrecognized feelings…

…but this time, the dream is existed longer than usual…

“ You really like this place ne ? “
He smiled to the latter and answered in a teasing tone, “ This is the place where we first met, silly “
“ And you love this place because you met me here…? “
“ Yes. Isn’t it obvious ? “
“ Ne, Jin… “
“ Yes ? “
“ Don’t ever forget about me “
“ I won’t ever forget about you. I promise “
“ And will you stay beside me forever ? “
“ I’ll stay beside you. FOREVER “ He moved closer to the latter and embraced him, “ Why you asked these question anyway ? “
“ Because sometimes, it felt like you’ll disappear and won’t show up again… “


Snapped from his dream, Jin opened his eyes with a very tired feelings. Some sweats rolled from his temple, and his head felt so heavy. Sighed, he massaged his temple and took a deep breath.

It was a sunny day outside, with the fresh sea breeze filled the room. Slowly, he pushed his blanket and walk towards the bathroom. The cold shower reduces his headache, and he felt a little bit freshen after he got dressed.

“ Morning, sleepyhead “ Junno stepped in to his room, hold a tray of breakfast for his friend. “ Now eat “
“ For me ? “
“ No, for the turtles in the sea “ Junno replied in teasing tone, “ Of course this is for you. This is 11 a.m already and you missed your breakfast time, so the inn’s keeper asked me to bring this meal for you “

Jin took his meal and eat in silence. Junno opened the curtain and stared at his best friend, “ Got any clue already ? “
“ I guess “
“ What do you mean ? “
“ I met someone in the beach yesterday “ Jin answered, “ And I felt like I knew him before… But the headache comes everytime I try to remember the past “
“ Heard like a real clue “
“ And it’s more-I got a longer dream. That someone in my dream… we talked more this time. And… “
“ And what ? “
“ I promised him that I won’t ever forget about him… and I’ll stay beside him forever… “ Jin sighed, “ But how could I forgot about all of them ? “

“ Well, Jin… “ Junno rolled his eyes, “ It’s not your fault. You got an accident and your head hit the reef when you fell from that stupid cliff “
“ Yeah right “ Jin cut sarcastically, “ And I simply forgot the whole summer. And even myself didn’t have any clue until you guys told me that you picked me up from this place before “
“ Jin, at that time you were unconscious. Your conditions were terrible and you need a better medication. That’s why the local people called us to picked you up… I remembered well Pi’s expression at that time. He was so pale, acted like your mother all the time. Too bad he couldn’t visit this place with us since he got things to do “

The latter’s mood is darken. “ It’s about me… about myself… and I have no clue of it. I hate this stupid condition so much…!! “
“ You’ll remember “ Junno muttered, “ The doctor promised you about that, right ? You just need to be patient. Beside, like you said before : you met someone right ? “
“ Yeah “
“ Then meet him again “ Junno snatched one of Jin’s onigiri, “ Ask him “
“ Not that easy “ Jin sighed, “ That guy seemed to hate me so badly “
“ Then, it becoming more suspicious, right ? Ask that guy “

Jin nodded, gazed the blue ocean beyond the window. I must see that guy once again… No matter what…

-to be continued-

fanfic: eternal summer

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