[b'day drabble] Eleven Roses For You…

Oct 05, 2008 11:00

Eleven Roses For You…
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Ryoda
Rating : PG15 for fluff
Disclaimer : nothing is mine XDXD
Summary : Tatsuya Ueda found eleven roses in front of his front door =D
A/N : LOLZ… A birthday drabble for Ueda Tatsuya~~ I couldn’t write the longer one today… (>0<)

dedicated to Ueda Tatsuya... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TATCHAN!! ^^
p.s this one is un-betaed. u guys didn't mind rite? =D

Ueda Tatsuya opened his eyes slowly. Rubbed his sleepy eyes, he yawned and stepped his legs on the cold floor. The wooden floor underneath him is frozen from the early morning’s breeze, but he didn’t care.

One of his Golden Retriever, Eri, walked closer to him; barked with swinging tail.
“ Ohayou, Eri… “ Tatsuya patted her head and went to the kitchen to prepare his dogs’ morning meal.

He remembered that he has a rehearsal later, so he went to the bathroom and take a long warm shower. Dressed in his favourite shirt and jeans, he grabbed his things and opened his front door.

And he froze.

There is a bouquet of roses in different colours…

He bent down and took the bouquet; there was three red roses, two pink roses, one yellow rose, three white roses, one purple rose, and one orange rose. Their sweet scent filled the air with soft elegance.

There’s a single card on the bouquet, with one sentence inside :

Tatsuya blinked several times, finally remembered that today is 4th of October-his birthday. With a wide smile plastered on his face, Tatsuya took his cellphone and made a phone call.

“ Moshi - moshi ? “

Ueda’s smile got wider when he saw Ryo answered his phone, stood there behind the fence. Ryo walked closer and hugged him tight, “ Happy birthday to you, my princess… “

“ Moou, don’t call me a princess ! “ Tatsuya tried to pout, but he smile instead of it.
“ You like your present ? “
“ I like it. They are so beautiful… “ Tatsuya nodded, “ But why you gave me this bouquet ? “

“ Did you notice how much roses in the bouquet ? “
“ Eleven ? “
“ Rite. And the colours of the roses ? “
“ Mmm… Red, Pink, Orange, White, Yellow, and… purple ? “
“ Good. And did you notice the sum I used for the roses ? “
“ Mmm… one, two and three ? “

Ryo kissed him soflty and whispered, “ Did you know what are they mean ? “

Tatsuya shook his head, and Ryo answered,
“ Red roses mean ‘Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion’
The pink roses mean ‘Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts’,
Yellow roses signify ‘friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning’
White roses symbolized ‘Spiritual love & Purity, You are heavenly, I am worthy of you’
The purple one… actually the colour is lavender; refers to ‘Love at first sight and enchantment’
And last… the orange roses mean ‘Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination’ “

“ But why you made them on one, two and three roses for each colour ? “
“ Impatient ne ? “ Ryo pointed the roses, “ Because… one single Rose mean ‘Love at the first sight; you are the one’ , two Roses for ‘Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another’ and three roses stand for ‘I love you’ … “

“ But why eleven roses ? This is my 25th birthday…! “

“ Because… “ Ryo’s eyes gleamed in gentle ray, “ Eleven roses mean ‘You are my treasured one; the one I love most in my life’ “

Tatsuya went speechless; he blushed so mad and his whole face is burned in red. When he accidentally touch one of the red roses, he pouted, “ Ryooo, why this one is a fake rose ? “

“ Don’t be sad like that… “ Ryo grabbed Tatsuya’s hand and kissed it gently, “ It's not because my love for you is fake; but I love you until the last rose of this bouquet die… “


I hope this post isn't too late =p
*run away since i blushed 'i'm suuuux!!' after re-read my own drabble XDXD*

The source of the roses' meanings here.
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