
Aug 29, 2011 01:02

Hi people ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

rosa_acicularis August 29 2011, 14:46:09 UTC


mizufae August 29 2011, 16:39:29 UTC


unclegreenmush August 29 2011, 15:33:38 UTC
I love your journal! I'd like to stay.


mizufae August 29 2011, 16:40:17 UTC
Well I ain't kicking nobody to the curb, sweetie.


mabonwitch August 29 2011, 18:14:06 UTC
Hah! We organize our friending the exact same way. I friend a person when I want their posts to pop up on my flist, OK? Sometimes feeling of friendship blossom from that over time, but it is rarely my original reason for friending. A quick perusal will show my relatively rare posts are 90% porn, but if you need to defriend to save from over-scrolling, I completely understand. I will just track you down other ways!


mizufae August 29 2011, 19:08:23 UTC
Honestly this post is just for the people out there who probably want to unfriend me but think I might go all shitlist on them if they do out of some misinterpretation of who I am. I've already run through the list and defriended the blathery people and the moved-to-different-fandom people and the absentee-from-three-years-ago people. If you're on my flist now, (which you are,) then nothing's gonna change in the soon-times. Unless of course you start making hourly posts about the yogurt you had today and if your mom is telling you to cut your hair or something or you start talking about the glory of jeeeeesus and so-on ( ... )


ashisfriendly August 30 2011, 02:28:09 UTC


mizufae August 30 2011, 03:05:44 UTC
despite your questionable taste in all things, you are also on the "never unfriend" list. If I make another post like this in the future you don't have to worry about it.

God knows why. I blame Daniel Radcliffe.


darthparadox August 31 2011, 19:24:33 UTC
Hooray! Saved once again by my ridiculously sporadic updating habits!


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