(no subject)

Aug 29, 2011 01:02

Hi people.

I'm gonna be unfriending a bunch of folks in a little while. Why? Lots of reasons. I'm NOT unfriending with the intention of making many or any flocked posts in the future. It's primarily because, you see, I have an aversion to scrolling, and my flist goes too fast and is too full of people's random stuff I absolutely don't care about. More power to you, people who use LJ like an actual journal - I'm not one of you.

As has ALWAYS been the case, you can ABSOLUTELY unfriend me whenever you want. I don't get notifications about it and I don't care about your reasons and I don't think you're a bad person and my friending you has NOTHING to do with me wanting you to friend me back.

However, if you want to make SURE that I know you're interested in my rare posts, or if you really don't want me to unfriend you and you think I might for some reason, leave a comment here.
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