Year of Miracles

Dec 05, 2012 17:33

So I've got this Old Races collection, YEAR OF MIRACLES. My publisher, who are wary of short story collections, opted not to publish it. I've done a release of the short stories in 3 e-collections, which didn't light the world on fire, but which haven't done badly ( Read more... )

walker papers, old races short story project, old races

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Comments 5

deborahblakehps December 5 2012, 20:05:25 UTC
Just out of curiosity, how much would you have to charge for the POD book?

And is this different from the stories that are already going out to your Kickstarter folks like me? (I can't keep track anymore...)


mizkit December 5 2012, 20:16:36 UTC
About $14.99, like all my books are priced.

YEAR OF MIRACLES is an Old Races collection, which I think you bought into as the Old Races Short Story Project and possibly also for the YoM novella itself. There are a few new stories in it, though.

It's definitely different than the Walker Papers stories from NO DOMINION. :)


deborahblakehps December 5 2012, 20:34:23 UTC
Then I say go for it!


gows December 5 2012, 22:05:30 UTC
Any chance you could interweave some new stuff in with the YoM to create more cohesion? Instead of one story arc, a couple of smaller/shorter ones, perhaps with the new stories serving as overlapping bridges here and there?

I don't see how coming up on the holidays would be a determining factor, FWIW, and I agree with the "tapping the well" bit.


mizkit December 6 2012, 08:48:24 UTC
...not really, re: cohesive story arcs. What I would end up doing would be more like Origins and Aftermath themes; everything up to the trilogy would be in an Origins collection, everything after it would be in Aftermath. I have quite a lot more material for Origins than Aftermath, which would require writing Grace's novella (I hope novella) for the anchor piece, and ... well, however many more stories brought it up to collection length.

The holidays is just, y'know, if anybody was looking for a CE Murphy book for Christmas... :)


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