halfway there

Aug 25, 2012 20:33

“I’m going to go outside and write another 800 words,” I said, picking up my laptop a moment ago.

“How many will that put you at?” the audience enquired politely.

“35,000,” I said.

There was a pause while everyone stared at me, as they knew I finished yesterday at 25.5K. “How many words to 35,000?” asked my mother.

“Eight hundred,” I said, and a ( Read more... )

writing blitz, nanowrimo is for weenies

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Comments 5

elsceetaria August 25 2012, 21:17:26 UTC
Congrats on the halfway point!


gows August 26 2012, 04:38:25 UTC
*booty dance*

Yay Catie! Go Catie! Go Catie! Uh-huh!


agrimony August 26 2012, 07:32:53 UTC
What, pray tell, is Freedom?


anthony_lion August 26 2012, 08:57:01 UTC
Internet blocking SW...
'Freedom from distractions'

(Both Mac and Winblows versions)

A not so... draconic... alternaive is 'Anti-social'
which only blocks access to 'social' sites(including LJ), but this only exists as Mac SW, yet.
With this you can still check Wikipedia and other 'useful' sites.

There is something called Anti-social for Windows, but that's only a Chrome plug-in.


mela_lyn August 26 2012, 17:50:45 UTC
That's an amazing amount of writing... wow.

BTW - my book review of BYD: http://mela-lyn.livejournal.com/193183.html
Amazon won't let me post it yet!!!


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