Dear Sugar,

May 28, 2009 13:27

You’ve probably noticed by now that I’m not coming around as much anymore.

I’d like to say it’s not you, it’s me, but the truth is it’s you. I find you irresistible, and the only way I can deal with that is by walking away from you entirely. You don’t make it easy, either, with your ice creams and cakes and chocolates all easily available and ( Read more... )

weight loss

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Comments 14

icedrake May 28 2009, 12:56:05 UTC
Also, way to go on the strength of will! I should get more exercise, too :/


janne May 28 2009, 13:06:07 UTC
Amen! Now only if I could make as clean a break instead of this on-again, off-again relationship...


bellinghman May 28 2009, 13:42:34 UTC
Most days I hang out with at least two of them, and know what? They all fit into my pants better than you do.

I have nothing to say. I just wanted to see that again.



mizkit May 29 2009, 08:00:27 UTC


jslinder May 28 2009, 14:18:17 UTC
I too was slowly departing the land of sugar addiction, then they came out with Pepsi throwback and it sucked me back in..


shannachie May 28 2009, 15:06:15 UTC
Ah. Sugar is bad. But Chocolate is worse. It is openly seductive. It sneeks up on you, surreptitiously finds its way into your cupboard, from there into your nose, from there into your mouth and straight onto your hips. It is helped by sugar, of course, but since I have vanquished my old enemies Biscuits, Cake, Ice Cream and Sodas, it cannot be the sugar.
There is something evil about Chocolate.


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