
Dec 20, 2007 10:22

Man, it's been a while since I wrote a comic script. I thought it might be a bit of a breezy thing to get me another 10K of writing, but it takes a lot of thinking! Spent a bunch of the day yesterday revising the shape of the issue, and got about five pages written (which is actually pretty good, given how much thinking I have to do). Going to ( Read more... )

friends, comics, best friends evah, ted

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Comments 15

irishkate December 20 2007, 10:20:14 UTC
::grins like a loon::


jadzia325 December 20 2007, 10:48:05 UTC
Am I to understand the morning begins after 11 am in Ireland? Good lord, if only the rest of the world operated that way. All my life spent fighting to maintain a 9-5 schedule, when instead, I could have just moved to Ireland!

This fight against my nature is exhausting. Which should be made apparent by the fact that I am posting this at 2:45 am knowing I have to get up soon. LOL


natural20 December 20 2007, 10:55:52 UTC
Am I to understand the morning begins after 11 am in Ireland?

Oh how I wish!

Ok, so *sometimes* it seems like that, especially down in rural parts where mizkit lives. :)


mizkit December 20 2007, 10:59:07 UTC
Dude, even in Dublin the streets do not fill up with shoppers and people Out For The Day until 11am! Maybe at this time of year they're out earlier, but mostly not! Yes, people have to go to work before then, but it's *bizarre* how empty it is until 11am, and then suddenly people come out of the woodwork!


natural20 December 20 2007, 11:07:50 UTC
:) Tis true, tis true. Even on my day off to shop I didn't leave the house until 11. I was entranced by "Escape to the Country." :)

And it makes lots of sense, why go out during rush-hour when you could be safe and warm at home until later?


mylescorcoran December 20 2007, 12:32:04 UTC
I love the nice fudge lady.

Just sayin'.


irishkate December 20 2007, 12:57:17 UTC
I am so with you there - I had fudge for dinner last night..


xnamkrad December 20 2007, 13:42:53 UTC
And why is Irishkate a rockstar? I do agree with you there by the way.


mizkit December 20 2007, 13:47:16 UTC
She's been pimping my books :)


irishkate December 20 2007, 14:59:02 UTC
you have to ask?


xnamkrad December 20 2007, 15:20:01 UTC
Well from the moment we met I knew you were a star


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