The Magic & Manners Project (Part 1)

Mar 15, 2016 15:34

About four years ago I got it into my head to wonder what PRIDE & PREJUDICE would be like if the Bennet sisters were plagued by an excess of magic rather than a dearth of cash. In a fit of inspiration, I wrote a first chapter, and then over the next year, a second and a third. By then, Patreon was a thing, and I decided to write MAGIC & MANNERS as ( Read more... )

writing wednesday, crowdfunding, self-publishing, austen chronicles, sustainable funding models

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Comments 17

peadarog March 15 2016, 15:24:30 UTC
Great post. As ever, I look to you as a guru in these matters... As well as anything to do with apples.


mizkit March 15 2016, 21:33:43 UTC


ellenmillion March 15 2016, 18:47:58 UTC
Suggestion from the peanut gallery - get this added to your Amazon Author Central page!


mizkit March 15 2016, 21:33:56 UTC
I don't even know how. :)


ellenmillion March 24 2016, 23:14:33 UTC

Login or create a login, and claim yourself as you. Then you can claim books that are in the system (and have your name on them) as written by you. There are some fairly nice tracking tools, and all of your books together add to your author rank, and it helps sales to have all your books on your author page!


martianmooncrab March 15 2016, 18:58:39 UTC
I will be waiting for it to get wider distribution, since I do not buy from Amazon, nor do I have a Kindle for my ebooks. This is personal, and from choice, not because I am incapable of doing so.

Still looking forwards to it.


mizkit March 15 2016, 21:17:59 UTC
Actually, if you pop into a local bookstore, especially armed with the ISBN (9781613171059), you should be able to order it in! It's available from Ingram, and there are some bookstores that only use Baker & Taylor, but many of them order from Ingram! Give it a try! :)


idancewithlife March 15 2016, 19:43:14 UTC
I didn't realize there was an audiobook. Yay! Also I sent a tweet to MCA Hogarth, VP for SWFA who helps indies, with a link to this post. Thought your checklist might be helpful in that forum if you are willing to share there.


mizkit March 15 2016, 21:34:14 UTC
Oh, yes, sure, of course! :) Share away!


pameladean March 15 2016, 21:10:45 UTC
This is awesome and very informative; thank you!

It's interesting to see how it all works when one has a budget. We have done my two backlist reissues with no budget at all, and since we won't have one for the new book either, need to contemplate what kind of crowdfunding to try for.

I can't buy any books right now but have put the Amazon paper version on my wish list. My family thanks you.



mizkit March 15 2016, 21:21:51 UTC
I've actually done nearly all of this on the good will of the production team, who are willing to be paid when I start making money. It's a situation I haaaaaate, but I'm very, very grateful for them for being willing to wait.

I'll do anything I can to help you with a crowdfund project!


pameladean March 15 2016, 21:24:23 UTC
That speaks highly of your production team and their opinion of your work. I don't blame you for hating the situation, but I salute you all.

Thank you very much; I will certainly be asking for help at some point. We are vaguely aiming at the fall for the new book. I just have to do the revisions. (*Hides under bed*.)



mizkit March 15 2016, 22:39:23 UTC
*puts a disguising umbrella up* No Pamela here!


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