Happy Post!

Oct 28, 2010 20:03

Because life often sucks, so I'll take the opportunity when it doesn't to write about the things that make me happy. :)

I've finished the Dean/Castiel/Balthazar(/pie) entangled_now guiltied me into writing (you go girl!), er, two weeks ago? :P Also, the lovely denazia is beta-ing it for me. My online friends are awesome! :D ( Read more... )

happy things/trucs qui rendent heureux, real life/tranche de vie, slash, english, uni, cinema, hobbit, new zealand/nouvelle-zélande, friends/amis, fandom, tv, i signed up for things/inscription, the internet is for porn, threesome, supernatural, writing/écriture

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Comments 6

denazia October 28 2010, 19:35:08 UTC
I'm finished with it otherwise I'll just keep going and you don't want that! I hope you don't think I was too harsh, I didn't mean to be, bad mood nothwithstanding.


miya_morana October 28 2010, 20:38:56 UTC
Oh, hun, don't ever be afraid to hurt my feelings or anything! The reason I ask for betas is for input! I know I tend to misplace adverbs and abuse puntuation and sometimes mix up a word for another and stuff like that, and your comments make my writing better!

You are awesome and I love you! *hugs you*


entangled_now October 28 2010, 22:06:28 UTC
You are amazing, and I saw you posted it already so I'm going to go and read it right this very second!

Because 'Dean/Castiel/Balthazar(/pie)'



miya_morana October 28 2010, 22:17:29 UTC

Hope you enjoy it!


lilchibibunny October 29 2010, 18:00:12 UTC
OH MY GOSH I'M ALMOST FINISHED THE LAST PIECE I PROMISE <3 I'll send it soon when I've stopped tinkering with it and actually ink it.

Also, I mean, how could I not be awesome with you as my author? ;D (lolol i love how you originally told me, "idk about dis wincest" and here we are and i love it all so much <3)


miya_morana October 29 2010, 21:16:07 UTC
OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT LAST PIECE!! Then I promise I'll send you my selection of my favorites to be coloured by Sunday night at the latest. <3

Lol, I swear I wasn't even sure I'd make it into a threesome, and if I did I thought it would be centered around Castiel, you know, to have very little Wincest in it. :P I love that my plan got totally out of hand! XD


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