Happy Post!

Oct 28, 2010 20:03

Because life often sucks, so I'll take the opportunity when it doesn't to write about the things that make me happy. :)

I've finished the Dean/Castiel/Balthazar(/pie) entangled_now guiltied me into writing (you go girl!), er, two weeks ago? :P Also, the lovely denazia is beta-ing it for me. My online friends are awesome! :D

Talking about friends, saw a friend I hadn't seen in a while in the tramway today. I should see her more often, she's so nice!

I realized I don't have class tomorrow (my US Civilisation teacher is away, as she told us on the first class of the year, I had totally forgotten), so I'm on weekend!

I start working on Monday, and though I'm just a tiny bit scared I think it's gonna be fine. Also, money!

We start posting the Secret Lovers fic this Sunday, I'm so excited!! morganoconner did an amazing job at keeping it all organized, she's incredible and awesome. :D

Other thing I'm excited about: I'm posting my Reverse!Bang next Wednesday! It turned out, er, much more Wincest-y than I was going for, but whatever, I'm quite happy with it. Also, my artist is awesome! *hugs lilchibibunny*

Convinced Mother Unit to rewatch the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight! I'm still sad I never got around to visit sarah_umi when she was in Paris 'cause then we would have gone to that place where they screen it every Friday night. We don't have that here in Geneva. Anyways, watching it tonight, it's been years since I've last watched, so going to be awesome! :D

Ah, also they comfirmed they would be filming The Hobbit in New Zealand, wich is great news! :D

Probably forgetting stuff, but whatev's!


happy things/trucs qui rendent heureux, real life/tranche de vie, slash, english, uni, cinema, hobbit, new zealand/nouvelle-zélande, friends/amis, fandom, tv, i signed up for things/inscription, the internet is for porn, threesome, supernatural, writing/écriture

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