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Comments 24

#4 - Rimming, Supernatural - John/Sherlock; silk and steel [1/2] emerald_embers August 29 2010, 00:02:55 UTC
When Sherlock decided he could handle a concubine alongside his marriage to the job, John hadn't entirely known how their relationship would run. In the end it seemed to match patterns everywhere else in their day to day lives - alternating between oddly domestic, bizarrely experimental, and never, ever boring ( ... )


#4 - Rimming, Supernatural - John/Sherlock; silk and steel [2/2] emerald_embers August 29 2010, 00:03:09 UTC
Sherlock made a pleased "Hmm" sound against him, the vibration of it utterly obscene, and thinking about the obscenity of that one little detail lead to thinking about the obscenity of everything they were doing here, thinking about what it looked like, what it meant that he would do near anything for Sherlock, even allowing this, what it meant that he liked this -

"So help me," John said, "If you don't fuck me now I'm never doing you a favour again, ever"Liar," Sherlock said, pulling back and allowing one last, long, deliberately slow lick before getting to his feet carefully, picking two already half-empty bottles off the soap rack on his way up. "'Silky' or 'tingle ( ... )


Re: #4 - Rimming, Supernatural - John/Sherlock; silk and steel [2/2] miya_morana August 29 2010, 08:18:20 UTC
Guh... Perfect way to wake up, me thinks... Thank you for that hot, hot deliciousness, I'll clean up the mess of my melted brain and be in my bunk now. :)


The Moments That We Share, Sam/Lucifer, NC-17, rimming aeon_entwined August 29 2010, 07:48:01 UTC
This is the first time they’ve tried anything like this. And Sam would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous as hell.

Honestly, it feels like Lucifer has expected him to be incredibly dark and knowledgeable with all sorts of crazy sexual stuff. He’s … not. All things considered, he prefers plain and sort of vanilla, though Dean would probably punch him for using the term.

But the Angel had looked at him earlier, unearthly blue eyes completely clear and alert, and asked if they could do this. As usual when it comes to Lucifer asking for something, Sam was helpless to say anything but ‘yes’.

Now, Lucifer is splayed out on the mattress, shivering lightly as Sam trails his lips up and down the Angel’s spine. “Soon would be nice, Sam,” he chastises breathlessly, a note of amusement in his tone ( ... )


Re: The Moments That We Share, Sam/Lucifer, NC-17, rimming miya_morana August 29 2010, 08:25:44 UTC

*melts from the hot*

That was delicious, thank you so much bb!


Re: The Moments That We Share, Sam/Lucifer, NC-17, rimming mulder200 August 30 2010, 15:06:29 UTC
Wow! That is both hot and sweet. Great job!


Water, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, pre-slash, PG-13, voyeurism entangled_now August 31 2010, 08:14:56 UTC
(I wrote you pre-slash where nothing happens. I feel like I should apologise! /o\)

There are organs on the third shelf of the fridge again. The third shelf is not for organs and miscellaneous experiments.

They've talked about this.

John swears under his breath and follows the sound of irritated muttering all the way to the bathroom.

He pushes the door open with a hand, an argument for how this is totally unacceptable already in the back of his throat.

There's a wet towel on the floor.

There's a wet towel on the floor and Sherlock is completely naked.

John comes to an unsteady stop just inside the door.

Sherlock's turned away from him, rifling through one of the cupboards. He's an impossible stretch of long, pale lines and angles, unexpected curves of muscle, wrists almost delicate on the end of arms that are just a fraction too long.

The line of his back seems to go on forever.

John tells himself to get the hell out of the bathroom.

To get the hell out of the bathroom now.Sherlock's hair is still wet, it curls darkly at ( ... )


Re: Water, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, pre-slash, PG-13, voyeurism thisissirius August 31 2010, 08:32:48 UTC
Ngh this is... Oddly perfect for what it is.

(but jt does end far too quickly ;))


Re: Water, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, pre-slash, PG-13, voyeurism entangled_now August 31 2010, 09:15:00 UTC
Why thank you! I'm glad you approved. I think I'd been secretly just waiting to write the 'John walks in on Sherlock naked' story.


Re: Water, Sherlock, Sherlock/John, pre-slash, PG-13, voyeurism miya_morana August 31 2010, 09:52:49 UTC
Pffft, You'll apologise with porn another time! :P

This is absolutely awesome! Thank you for the very very nice mental images you just gave me. You're the best! ♥


the vampire diaries, damon/alaric, crossdressing, R or light NC17, 1/2 janie_tangerine August 31 2010, 21:22:59 UTC
So hi, you listed crossdressing, then I saw Damon/Alaric and I remembered Matt Davis posting pictures of himself wearing pink panties on Twitter and I sort of had to. I hope it pleases you? ;)Now, surprising Damon Salvatore is something that is very, very hard to accomplish ( ... )


Re: the vampire diaries, damon/alaric, crossdressing, R or light NC17, 1/2 janie_tangerine August 31 2010, 21:23:12 UTC
“May I?” he asks, his voice mocking, and Alaric rolls his eyes.

“Since when did you fucking start having manners?”

“Touché,” Damon answers, and then winks at Alaric and drops to his knees, pushes the panties down enough to free Alaric’s dick (which is painfully hard by now) and taking it straight down his throat.

Awesome thing about being already dead: you can totally deep-throat someone for as long as you want. Alaric still tries not to moan too loud as Damon sucks him off, slow at first and faster later, his tongue swirling along the head once before two hands grip his hair and bring his face forward ( ... )


Re: the vampire diaries, damon/alaric, crossdressing, R or light NC17, 1/2 miya_morana August 31 2010, 21:42:08 UTC
Hee! Thank you, this was awesome! :D

Also, Matt Davis is on Twitter? And more importantly THERE'S A PHOTO OF HIM IN PINK PANTIES???


Re: the vampire diaries, damon/alaric, crossdressing, R or light NC17, 1/2 janie_tangerine August 31 2010, 21:46:40 UTC
You're welcome! :D

And yeeeeaaah. He's @ErnestoRiley. He mostly posts about his dog, how great is sex as a spiritual experience, about his wacky dreams and at times posts pieces of a book from his supposed alter ego which is kind of light erotica, lol. And yeah he posted that picture like in June or so, let me check if I can remember where I saved that...


Sam/Gabriel, dirty talk, kind of dub-con 1/2 tiptoe39 September 3 2010, 02:02:12 UTC
I tried to write this thing five times. I really hope it worked!

Something about Gabriel's voice just did it for Sam. Specifically, Gabriel's voice on the phone. In person he was sharp, abrasive, wisecracking until it was hard to take him seriously; on the phone his voice went down a few notes and was husky and almost musical the way it vibrated through the line. Sam's voice had started to shake when he picks up. He'd hoped Gabriel wouldn't notice.

"You like the way I sound on the phone, don't you?" Gabriel said abruptly halfway through a conversation.

So much for hopes. "I-- no--" Sam took a deep breath. "How'd you know?"

"Sam." The chuckle on the other side of the line sent a blush of warmth through Sam's stomach. "Why do you think I call you and not Dean? Hell, why do you think I call at all?Sam felt dumb. "I don't know ( ... )


Re: Sam/Gabriel, dirty talk, kind of dub-con 2/2 tiptoe39 September 3 2010, 02:03:26 UTC
He was halfway up before he realized what he was doing. He grabbed the phone, determined to shout at Gabriel, to tell him he had no right to screw with his head this way. But he couldn't. He wanted this too badly to deny it. Fuck, he was really going to let Gabriel do this to him. Let? Never mind let. He was dying for it.

Naked except for his boxers, Sam slid back onto the bed and was gratified to hear a set of rasping breaths echoing his own. "Gabriel," he said, and the word felt soft and sweet in his mouth. "What are you doing ( ... )


Re: Sam/Gabriel, dirty talk, kind of dub-con 2/2 miya_morana September 3 2010, 07:21:55 UTC

This is absolutely delicious. The perfect thing to wake up to I believe. Thank you so very much for it! :D


Re: Sam/Gabriel, dirty talk, kind of dub-con 2/2 tiptoe39 September 3 2010, 10:13:21 UTC
Thanks babe! I am glad you liked it <3 <3


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