5 Acts Meme Round Two!

Aug 28, 2010 21:35

Here's how it works:

+ Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks to read about. Check out this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
+ Read other people's lists; the master list of lists is here.
+ Post comment-fic based off of other people's lists.

Five brand new kinks for you to plyay with:

Dirty talk
Rimming (or any kind of tongue!porn, really)
Dub-con (NOT non-con)

A few fandoms and pairings
Supernatural (mix and match these however you want (just no Wincest unless in a threesome or moresome): Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Crowley, Jo, Anna, Bella)
Sherlock (Sherlock/John)
White Collar (Neal/Peter, Neal/Peter/Eli)
Lost (any and all combination of Jacob, Esau, Richard, Desmond, Ben, Sawyer)
The Vampire Dairies (Damon/Alaric)
Leverage (any combination of Eliot, Hardison and Parker) (I HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST TWO EPISODES YET!)
Being Human (George/Mitchell, George/Mitchell/Annie)
Merlin (any combination of Merlin, Arthur and Lancelot)
Doctor Who/Torchwood (mix and match: the Doctor (9th, 10th or 11th), Jack, Amy, Rory, Ianto)

My fills
Don't Touch - Supernatural, Crowley/Dean/Castiel, Masturbation for a partner, Sensory deprivation for emerald_embers
Bite - Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, Showersex, Biting, Noise for aeon_entwined
Quick and Quiet - White Collar, Peter/Neal (implied OT3), sex with clothes still on, fingerporn, need to be quiet, kissing for entangled_now
Double the Fun - Supernatural RPS, Jensen/Richard/Misha, Threesome, Double Penetration for morganoconner

torchwood, english, vampire diaries, meme, merlin, white collar, lost, leverage, just for the fun/juste pour s'amuser, sherlock, tv, being human, psych, doctor who, i signed up for things/inscription, the internet is for porn, supernatural, writing/écriture

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