I'M BACK! And I need betas :P

Aug 28, 2010 12:42


I still have to go through my e-mails, then I'll catch up on my flist, and I have to finish unpacking and, you know, eat. But I'm back! :D

I missed you guys. *hugs you all*

I did manage to get some writing done between all my sunbathing and reading and visiting, and I'm looking for a few volonteers (or even just one, if you're motivated) to beta. The first one is kinda urgent, since it's fot kijikun's birthday, which is today. I'll put the details under the cut.

I'm looking for someone to beta a 5400 words Jo/Lucifer fic loosely based on the movie Labyrinth.

I also have 4 schmoopy ficlets, each somewhere around 1000 words, that need beta-ing. Two of them are Sam/Gabriel, one's Dean/Gabriel and the last one is Willow/Oz (Buffy). EDIT: That's the only one I still need to find a beta for!

Love y'all! ♥

omg!, real life/tranche de vie, i need help, tv, english, beta, the internet is for porn, holiday/vacances, supernatural, buffy, writing/écriture

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