What Was, What Is and What Will Be

Aug 29, 2010 22:14

So, I spent all of yesterday afternoon/evening catching up with the Internet. I still have a gazillion TV shows to watch and a few fics to read, but Im more or less caught up so I can tell you about my vacation. :)

My sister B. wanted to go somewhere hot where we could have a small swimmingpool, so she ranted a small house for the family in Ardèche for two weeks. For those of you who are curious, we were near that village (link to GoogleMap), not far from the Ardèche Gorge.

The weather was great, very hot like we expected (it went up to 35°C/95°F). There was a storm one night and it was a bit cloudy the following day, but that's all. Thank God for the swimmingpool though, because I'd have died without it. The water temperature reached 30°C/86°F a couple of days, it was awesome.

We didn't do much, which was the whole point of the vacation. We went to market places now and then, and one day we went to visit some friends of the family who live about an hour, an hour and a half from where we were, so that day we did some sightseeing (mainly the Gorge), and we went to visit a medieval castle once. The rest of the time we spent sunbathing, swimming and reading.

I finished the last four Sookie Stackhouse books (and loled when I read about Claude's Impala), read the second Dresden Files book (awesome), and started on reading Sherlock Holmes, because like entangled_now I have never read them. I've read A Study In Red and The Sign Of Four as well as the first two short stories. It's fun to notice all the things (even the dialogues!) Moffat and Gatis kept for their modernized series. :)

I also wrote a bit, as you know.

One day we decided to eat out and I did the stupid thing of ordering a burger. The thing about the French is, they never cook the meat enough. For some things it doesn't really matter, but burger meat really has to be cooked long enough. Mine obviously wasn't. I was sick the next day and my dad drove to Barjac to buy me some meds (antiemetics, intestinal antibacterial, stuff like that), so yay. -.-

Fortunately I got better a couple of days later. Of course, my brother R., who ate the exact same thing as me, was perfectly fine.

I have photos, but I still have to go through them and select a few to post here on LJ.

So I got home yesterday and we got the dog back on the way home. She was staying with my mom's best friend (we babysit her dog when she goes away), unpacked, then I caught up with you guys, and all that.

Today we were celebrating my grand-mother's birthday. At our place, as usual. It was nice, but exhausting. Also, my brother and very-soon-to-be stepsister stayed afterwards to talk more about all the last-minute things there are still to do for the wedding (that's this Saturday btw), which is awesome but kinda gave me a headache.

This week is going to be crazy.

Tomorrow, my brother Q. and fiancee S. are bringing us a few things to do, like put sugar almonds (a Wedding tradiction, I have no idea if you do this too in US/UK) into small bags, making "parking" and "church" signs so everyone can find the place, etc. I'm also planning on calling my ex-best friend because she sent me a weird and somwhat worrying text last week and she wanted to see me. I told her to call another close friend of ours since I knew she was in Geneva, but I'm worried and wann know what's going on.

Tuesday I'm redoing my henna dye (which will take about three hours -.-) and probably doing some of the stuff for the wedding (since I'm not seeing anyone while I have this awful henna paste thingy in my hair), and also THEY ARE CUTTING MY INTERNET!

We're changing Internet and phone supplier, and they'll conect the phone right away but we'll have to wait several days maybe UP TO ONE WEEK, before we get our Internets back. D: I'll be squatting the cafe next door, which has free wi-fi, or going to the Uni library, so I can post stuff and read my e-mails at least once a day, but you won't see much of me I'm afraid. Damn it! D:

Wednesday I'll be POSTING MY BIG BANG! Which is awesome, and exciting, and I cann't wait guys! I'll probably spend the afternoon at Uni to be online.

Thursday, my new bed's delivered (my current one is a convertible that's so old I can't even turn it back into a sofa, there's something broken). Also, I'm seeing a German friend I met in New Zealand three years ago. She's in Switzerland for the week and can come by Thursday afternoon/evening. It's so awesome and I'm so happy to see her again! :D Last time we saw each other was March 2009 when we met up with a three other friends in Liverpool for a week-end.

Will probably be online for a little while in the morning.

Friday will be busy with last-minute stuff, so I'll try and be online in the morning, maybe a little while in the afternoon, we'll see. :/

Saturday is Wedding day. I'm so excited! I love my brother (he's the fellow geek amongst my sibblings) and I really like my future sister-in-law. I'm actually gonna be a bridesmaid, so. :) I'm just sad because my sister D. decided not to come. She never liked my future sister-in-law, though she doesn't really know her, never tried to. And I think she's a bit jealous that her little brother is getting married when she's never managed to stay with a guy more than three months.

Anyways, happy thoughts, it's gonna be a great day! I really don't think you're gonna see me online that day though. :P

Sunday afternoon I'll go to the Uni library I think. I'm hoping We'll have our Internets back by Monday.

This week I'm also planning on writing some porn for the 5 Acts Meme and getting started on my Secret Angel fic. I'd also like to finish that Sherlock fic I started writing, but I don't know if I'll have the time. :/

Wow! Epic post is epicly long! Putting parts of it behind cuts to spare my poor flist! :P

france, real life/tranche de vie, doing nothing/glandage, computer/ordi, hurt/aïe, sherlock, internet, english, i signed up for things/inscription, the internet is for porn, birthday, holiday/vacances, supernatural, books/livres, writing/écriture

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