I'm a terrible terrible person who forgets LJ exists

Sep 30, 2014 15:48

I'm so sorry. I've fallen out of touch with so many of my fandom friends over the last year or so, and I feel so bad about it. I just never think of checking LJ, or when I do my brain goes "but I'll have so much to catch up on, I don't have the time right now, I'll do it laterrrr".... >.<

So what have I been up to? Well, I'm playing video games onRead more... )

project runway, video games, hawaii five-0, english, youtube stuff i made/trucs que je fais s, uni, elementary, lj, agents of shield, wolf's bane con, i'm a geek/je suis une geek, arrow, convention, fandom, constantine, tv, teen wolf, twitter, doctor who, video, grimm, supernatural, the flash, writing/écriture

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Comments 11

sofi_cerise September 30 2014, 17:41:09 UTC
In the flesh ? (le perso principale est gay (ou pan je ne sais plus) est et bien... c'est même pas le plot de la série ^^


miya_morana September 30 2014, 18:14:17 UTC
J'adore In The Flesh, elle est géniale cette série. :) J'espère vraiment qu'ils feront une troisième saison.


marryblack September 30 2014, 19:41:54 UTC
C'est jamais dit clairement dans la série, et tu ne le vois avoir des relations sérieuses qu'avec des gars mais déjà d'une tu peux prêter une consonance romantique à sa relation avec Amy, et surtout le créateur de la série a dit quelque chose comme "il n'est pas hétéro, mais il n'est pas gay non plus"

Donc ouais, bi/pan plutôt que gay ^^


marryblack September 30 2014, 17:42:10 UTC
Hop là je t'ai mis à follow sur tumblr!

Pour ce qui est des séries, je dois faire partie des 10 personnes qui apprécient encore SPN donc je dirais oui vas y continue xD (aussi Demon!Dean *_*)
En truc qui commencent, hors The Flash et Constantine (ouais parce que même si ça me frustre à un point inimaginable, je suis fan du perso et de l'acteur donc bon... on va tenter quand même), j'ai commencé How to get away with murder qui part pas mal (Alfie Enoch en perso principal, plein de POC et de nana qui défoncent, et du gay sex, c'est un pilote qui doit plaire à tumblr) et puis Gotham mais bon ça j'y crois super moyen...

Et puis dans la série "qui commence pas maintenant" y'a Agent Carter pour lequel je sautille de joie (déjà la micro apparition dans le season premiere de shield m'a fait couiner).

Et sinon GG pour les études!


miya_morana September 30 2014, 18:17:46 UTC
J'ai vaguement entendu parlé de How To Get Away With Murder, faudra que j'y jète un oeil, merci. :) Et je suis un peu dubitative quant a commener Gotham. Le synopsis me bottait pas trop. :/

Agent Carter heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! <3


jenab September 30 2014, 18:40:30 UTC
I'm doing pretty good. I've been writing a little and also learned to crochet this year.

I love Sleepy Hollow but have given up on Supernatural. Sleepy Hollow is fulfilling more of my needs then Supernatural these days. I'm also watching Arrow, Grimm and Agents of Shield and will be picking up The Flash.

I fell headlong back into fannish glee when I watched The Last Ship during the summer starring Eric Dane, Adam Baldwin and Rhona Mitra.


miya_morana September 30 2014, 18:50:06 UTC
I really enjoyed what I've seen of Sleepy Hollow so far. It's a good show. :) I haven't seen The Last Ship though.


entangled_now October 1 2014, 06:50:59 UTC
Hello you! It's nice to see you're well.

I didn't know you did let's play's. I shall have to come and watch some (though I'll admit the only game I'm really familiar with there is LoL.) I'm mostly in the indie horror games, space exploration games, RPG's with nice graphics, and the occasional weird crafting game.

Also, occasional naked people are never bad!

I'm watching (or catching up on) most of that stuff, or intend to watch it (except Project Runway and Grimm - I kept trying to like Grimm but the world-building just never grabbed me enough.)


miya_morana October 1 2014, 08:09:54 UTC
Hey you, I missed you! <3 ( ... )


entangled_now October 2 2014, 07:07:38 UTC
Missed you too ( ... )


miya_morana October 2 2014, 12:27:13 UTC
For short and spooky but with stuff happening Among the Sleep is good, Knock Knock is a bit longer but weird and interesting.

Thanks, I'll look those up! :D

Forever is the immortal Dr. Hornblower show isn't it? It seemed kind of dull (at least in Highlander they had swordfights!) Also is 200 really old enough to start despairing about your immortality?

Yes, that is the one. I think "kind of dull" describes it pretty well, actually.


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