I'm a terrible terrible person who forgets LJ exists

Sep 30, 2014 15:48

I'm so sorry. I've fallen out of touch with so many of my fandom friends over the last year or so, and I feel so bad about it. I just never think of checking LJ, or when I do my brain goes "but I'll have so much to catch up on, I don't have the time right now, I'll do it laterrrr".... >.<

So what have I been up to? Well, I'm playing video games on YouTube, which is a lot of fun. I like the size of my channel, about 350 subscribers (and, like, 20-50 views per video most of the time), which means I don't feel like I'm wasting my time doing it, and at the same time I mostly don't have to deal with the bullshit crap most female let's players have to deal with.

I'm still on twitter, where I post fandom stuffs and personal stuffs. I also have another twitter for my videogames-related stuff.

I'm still on tumblr too, on which my blog is a grab-bag of random stuffs, fandom, video games, art, kittens, feminist rants, and the occasional naked people.

I haven't been writing, sadly, although right now I'm toying with an idea for a small League of Legends fic. I miss writing, but anytime I try I seem to choke on the words. :(

I went to Wolf's Bane 2 in July, so some awesome fandom friends again, it was overall a lot of fun. :)

As far as TV goes, I've fallen behind on a lot of shows, including Hawaii 5-0 and Sleepy Hollow, which I really mean to catch up on at some point. Right now I'm watching Doctor Who, Agents of SHIELD and Project Runway (don't judge me). I've also started watching Forever, but I'm not entirely convinced by it yet and might just drop it when ~all the things~ start again, which is very soon!

I plan on continuing to watch Arrow, Supernatural (because I'm masochist, it seems), Elementary and Grimm. I also want to pick up The Flash, and I'm debating whether to watch Constantine or not (the fact that it's turning a bi character into a straight one irks me).

Is there anything I'm missing on that you guys think I should watch? Am I crazy for still wanting to give a chance to SPN? (Yes, probably.)

As far as my studies go, well I have finally passed all of my classes, and now I just have my research paper to finish before I can officially have my Master's Degree in translation. Please don't ask me stuff about my paper, it stresses me out to no end. ^^"

How is everyone?

project runway, video games, hawaii five-0, english, youtube stuff i made/trucs que je fais s, uni, elementary, lj, agents of shield, wolf's bane con, i'm a geek/je suis une geek, arrow, convention, fandom, constantine, tv, teen wolf, twitter, doctor who, video, grimm, supernatural, the flash, writing/écriture

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