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Comments 309

uksupercop April 17 2011, 01:15:46 UTC
Having been a Milliways patron for quite a while, Nicholas has gotten rather used to rather unusual disturbances of the peace. Fortunately, he had target practice on his schedule for the day.

"Get down!"

The zombie in the lead gets a few well-aimed shots to the neck.


re_mybrains April 17 2011, 01:35:55 UTC
Tom yells in surprise and hits the floor.

The zombie makes some pretty horrible sounds, but doesn't stop coming forward. Tom turns, staying low, and hits the zombie in the forehead.

"Headshots!" he barks at -- Shaun? No, one of those Shaun lookalikes. Whatever.


uksupercop April 17 2011, 01:40:24 UTC

... )


re_mybrains April 17 2011, 01:46:05 UTC
That's two bodies blocking the doorway now -- no, make that three, as Tom gets the one Nicholas grazed. The rest of the shamble is still pushing forward, but the pile is at least slowing them down.


got_your_tongue April 17 2011, 01:59:53 UTC
Ten seconds after the first zombie hits the door, there's the sound of an argument in the kitchen.

"Look, I'll bring them back, I promise, but--

Seriously. I'm going to be the least of your problems in a minute.

Thank you."

Which is how Doll comes charging for the front door with a meat cleaver in one hand and a chef's knife in the other.

She lets her feet go out from under her and slides the last few feet. The meat cleaver hits the first zombie in the shin.


re_mybrains April 17 2011, 02:12:56 UTC
"--Holy shit!"

Tom scrambles out of the way, staring.


got_your_tongue April 17 2011, 02:22:25 UTC
Doll hasn't had a proper fight in centuries. So what if they're not even the right kind of dead.

She wrenches the cleaver free as she gets to her feet, driving the knife up through the zombie's jaw and into his brain.

"You okay there, honey?"


re_mybrains April 17 2011, 02:39:26 UTC
"Holy shit," again. "Watch it!"

The next zombie is reaching for Doll's hair; Tom aims and fires, hitting it in the chest and knocking it backwards.


handwentbad April 17 2011, 06:30:19 UTC
Zombies are not Deadites.

Ash knows that. They're not demons - they're much more slow.


holy shit...

He gets up, aims the gun and lets out a high pitched whistle to draw the attention of one of the zombies.

And promptly makes paste of its brains with a blast of buckshot.

Sometimes there's no time for a clever quip until you've in the middle of the battle.


re_mybrains April 17 2011, 12:08:22 UTC
These guys aren't exactly fast. It's just that there are so many of them, and they're moving forward implacably.

Well, except the one Ash just shot in the face. That certainly stopped it in its tracks.

Tom ducks instinctively at the blast, then turns and starts firing to help.

"On your left," he yells, as a zombie leans past the door frame and reaches for Ash.


handwentbad April 18 2011, 07:10:58 UTC
They're slower than Deadites, which is honestly an improvement in Ash's mind.

Ash gets that one by socking it right in the face with his gauntlet hand. The skull sort of...explodes. All over the place. And them.

"Jelly. Faced. Bastard. I. Just. Washed. THAT!" He hates laundry. And monsters.


re_mybrains April 19 2011, 08:49:26 UTC
Tom flinches, covering his face; he still gets a lot of the splatter.

"Aw, Christ," he moans.

No time to panic about how many potentially-infected zombie bits this guy is flinging all over, though. He shakes it off and drops a zombified runner with a headshot.


river_meimei April 22 2011, 03:32:54 UTC
River's head snaps around.

She's off the couch in the same instant, diving over the back into a roll and scramble, hand clenching shut on the rungs of a nearby chair. It's all fluid with the kind of controlled grace that only comes unconsciously -- and then she falters, stumbling mid-motion into an instant's poised crouch.

"They're all made of hunger," she whispers, wide eyes fixed on Tom. "Killed them once."

And then the first zombie makes it through the doorway, more shambling at its heels, and River's moving again.


re_mybrains April 22 2011, 03:37:40 UTC
"Son of a bitch son of a bitch son of a bitch--"

Tom fires clumsily at the first zombie -- a big guy in a Cowboys T-shirt -- and succeeds in blowing the side of its head away. It staggers but keeps coming; behind it, a zombie in a tracksuit pulls itself past the doorframe.


river_meimei April 22 2011, 04:03:37 UTC
There was a second gun in Tom's back pocket.

Now there's not.

People are starting to notice, starting to flee or pull out weapons; it means fewer bystanders, and none in the danger zone right now. River's up on a table, firing shot after shot with her borrowed gun. It takes her a couple of shots to adjust to this particular weapon, but the relatively close range helps.

Which is to say: there are a lot of headshots happening.


re_mybrains April 22 2011, 04:11:20 UTC
--Damn she's fast.

Tom whirls when he feels someone going for his gun, but by the time he turns River is already firing, and since she's not firing at him he's not inclined to complain about her stealing his weaponry at the moment.

"You really shouldn't let your things out of sight like that," comments Bob, from the store. "Waste of resources, you know?"

"Would you shut up!" Tom snarls, taking out a zombie standing just past Bob. Shooting at Bob never does any good.


in_the_pages April 22 2011, 23:53:25 UTC

Are those.

Of all the things that might happen, Fynn isn't exactly mentally prepared for this.

But it doesn't take him long. Zombies are rather a bad thing, one could imagine. And it seems like this poor fellow needs some help.

Fynn places his glasses on a table.

No time to remove clothing. Sigh.

Thirty seconds after Tom screams at the zombies, a vaguely-polite and (is that an Irish accent?) gruff voice that is rather far above Tom's head tells him "Out of the way, lad."

Fynn really wouldn't want to hurt Tom when he loses most of his control. He's got the barest bit of it right now anyway.

Zombies, meet giant manbear.


re_mybrains April 23 2011, 00:01:32 UTC
Tom looks up.

Let's blame the slowness of his response on the fact that he hasn't eaten much in the last few months, shall we?

"--Oh my God," he says, "I'm in Milliways oh thank Christ don't eat them they're infectious" and now he's getting out of the way.


in_the_pages April 23 2011, 01:58:04 UTC
Ew, they probably also taste gross.

But Fynn has engaged and really, all he understands is that they are a threat and in front of him, and they need to not be in the building.

Rotten teeth and broken fingernails slide relatively harmlessly off his coat. Even healthy human bones and tissue are no match for a swipe of normal bear paws, and nothing about this situation matches those details. Zombie heads are at just the level of his paws, and make rather satisfying squish sounds. Mind the splatter, folks. Apparently it's infectious. Feel free to shoot something if you feel like it, Tom! Camaraderie, and all that.

Between the claws and the paws and the almost-tonne of angry bear pushing against them, there is no longer a welcome for the zombies inside Milliways. If Tom was smart, he'd shut the door before Fynn goes through it looking for more.


re_mybrains April 23 2011, 02:32:04 UTC
Tom, frankly, is happy to stay the hell out of the way and stare.

Once there are more corpses than zombies, though, he moves forward to start closing the door.

"Hey, uh--"

You're kind of in the way of closing the door, giant manbear!


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