Title: Autumn Leaves
Pairing/Characters: Rachel Dawes
Rating: G
Warnings: None needed.
Summary: Law student Rachel Dawes contemplates the future, and freedom.
Word Count: 153
Notes: Based on Death Cab for Cutie's
"Soul Meets Body." Cause in my head there’s a Greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they’re far more suited than here...
Rachel Dawes collects her textbooks and walks from the classroom into the crisp fall day. The books are heavy in her arms. Dry leaves skitter across her path, intersecting for a moment, and then are gone. She watches the wind lift them into the cloudless sky, on their way out of Gotham.
You're wasting your time here, her professor's world-weary tone in her memory. Gotham will use you and use you up. Better to go somewhere you can do some good.
The leaves are out of sight now. She could follow them, let the wind take her out of the city, following a new path of her own.
She wouldn't be the first.
Her hand aches with the memory of its impact against Bruce Wayne's face. She curls a fist around the ghost of pain.
Then she turns her back on the free-floating leaves, on the crystalline sky, and turns her face toward Gotham once more.