Title: Two Forms, One Soul (Chapter Four)
Pairing/Characters: Bruce/Clark
Continuity: Animated series, a few years after B:TAS. (The reference to Crucifer is from the comics, stolen for use here).
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bruce's vampiric sire pays him a visit and meets Clark.
Word Count: 2000
Warnings: None necessary
Notes: Written for the
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Comments 37
You continue to blow me away with this story. I've read vampire!Bruce fic before, but this is so...enthralling in a way that only one other has done for me. Hmm, enthralling...I'm keeping my eye on you. *raises eyebrow*
*sings* If biting you is wrong, baby, I don't want to be right... *grin*
I did a lot of research for this story, trying to figure out what I liked about the myths and what didn't appeal to me. It was an oddly abstract process (and involved reading "Twilight" for research!), but eventually I felt like I knew what I liked in the genre enough to really enjoy writing it. And then I just had a lot of fun. :) I'm glad to hear it shows though! I was pretty enthralled writing it as well...I was holed up in a hotel room most of the time, typing furiously... *happy memories*
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"You just let her go!" he snarled at Bruce.
*hug Bruce, and give Clark a kick...Ouch!*
I wonder what will happen when Bruce finally gives in...*shudder*
Clark grumbles in protest! He's cranky for some reason right now... :D
I wonder what will happen when Bruce finally gives in...*shudder*
I'm glad the suspense is working for now! *crosses fingers for later* Thanks so much for the comment!
*back to topic* I'm getting worried for the boys. In JLA: Crisis of Conscience, Bruce doubted Selina because her love might not be her choice. Now Bruce himself has the power to affect others' minds. Will he be too paranoid/stubborn to believe that Clark's feelings is of his own free will? Ah, angst!
I LOVE happy endings. Please, please don't torture them...too much. *grin*
p.s. Sorry for my poor grammar...*blush*
*grin* I wish I always could! I hate when I have comments to answer and no time to get to them...
In JLA: Crisis of Conscience, Bruce doubted Selina because her love might not be her choice. Now Bruce himself has the power to affect others' minds. Will he be too paranoid/stubborn to believe that Clark's feelings is of his own free will? Ah, angst!
That is a really good point! It's funny, because I hadn't thought about that aspect much at first, but recently I was editing and added a line about that as well, so we're on the same wavelength there.
And your grammar is great! No worries there!
I give him a lot of props because I can see how hard the pull is. Especially after he told Clark how he effects him.
The story's a little slow to get into Bruce's POV, so I'm glad his thirst came across in this chapter.
And uh...yeah, Clark freely offering--even demanding--was one of my favorite things to write. Aggressive vampire victims for the win, lol! Glad you're liking it!
Poor boys.
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