Clarity of Purpose, Chapter 3

Jun 07, 2014 21:31

Title: Clarity of Purpose, Chap. 3
Chapter Summary: Gandalf and Thorin discuss and disagree about where the Ring should be taken next.
Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf
Fandom: Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. Begins in 2968, twenty-six years after the events of "Clarity of Vision" and fifty years before ( Read more... )

ch: bilbo baggins, series: clarity of vision, ch: thorin oakenshield, fandom: hobbit, ch: gandalf

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Comments 14

navaan June 7 2014, 13:02:55 UTC
And so the quest begins! I'm so excited!

It's so lovely that after all the years their bickering is back. All the dialouge was lovely.

But *sigh* Gandalfs words, I'm afraid of what's to come...


mithen June 7 2014, 14:02:31 UTC
*grin* I have a feeling they're REALLY HAPPY to be bickering again, that it feels really comfortable and pleasant to them, no matter how crazy the circumstances are...

And um, yeah, Gandalf is usually good to listen to in these cases. But he isn't going to give up on them, either... (okay, he's going to throw his hands up and disappear for a while, but he isn't giving up!)


ilovetobefree June 7 2014, 14:15:08 UTC
"How did you find us?" he growled at the wizard as Gandalf puffed a placid smoke ring.
"Oh, I have my ways," said Gandalf airily..
Indeed. :) (He always has.)

"Gandalf!" Bilbo said again, grinning happily at the wizard--the first time Thorin had seen him smile, Thorin realized. The realization pierced his heart with regret; this was not how he had imagined their reunion, all those empty years.
Oh, poor Thorin. *pets him*

Bilbo and Gandalf frowned at him as if he had been inexpressibly rude. "If you had let me bring my pipe, we could have this discussion over a good long smoke," complained Bilbo.
OMG! :lol

"If you only knew how much I've wanted to see you!" he burst out, and put his arms around Thorin, joining him on the ground and resting his head on his shoulder with a sigh that seemed to rattle his small body, a sigh of terrible relief.

He grinned at Thorin. "And I have you. So I'm not afraid."
YES! :)

"Yes, and you have Petunia as well," Thorin added with a small smile ( ... )


mithen June 11 2014, 14:02:07 UTC
LOL, poor Thorin dying of frustration while Bilbo and Gandalf make small talk made me smile to write. And Petunia! My grandmother grew petunias, so they feel not only feminine, but elderly to me, which made them doubly-funny. :)

Moria is...maybe not the best place to take the Ring! But on the other hand I do understand not trusting humans or elves with it... *sighs for Thorin* I hope to have more up soon!


ranger_girl0301 June 7 2014, 14:41:49 UTC
So many cute moments mixed in with such dire circumstances. The personableness of it all is what is sometimes woefully missing from the original work. Woot!


mithen June 12 2014, 07:26:18 UTC
Aw, thanks! It's been fun to try to adapt the original and not go TOO far away, but go far enough away to be interesting... :)


jestana June 7 2014, 15:53:30 UTC
Lovely! So glad they're together again. Thorin, you big sweet marshmallow! So honorable! *claws face* How are you real!? Wait, you're not. *cries* Gollum and Thrain? Uh-oh. I have a feeling they're going to end up going to the elves and men eventually anyway. Stubborn dwarf.


mithen June 12 2014, 07:27:49 UTC
Ha! Alas for fictional honorable marshmallows! And welllll, I do think it's not likely Thorin can keep the elves and men out of this--and I think deep down he knows he needs everyone's support, after all... He just doesn't like to admit it!


Part 1! starsandsea June 7 2014, 18:25:11 UTC
If what he suspected was pursuing them, then all his brave words would avail him and Bilbo little.

Oh Thorin! *pets him*

-the first time Thorin had seen him smile, Thorin realized. The realization pierced his heart with regret; this was not how he had imagined their reunion, all those empty years.

Oh... *pets Thorin again*

Bilbo and Gandalf frowned at him as if he had been inexpressibly rude. "If you had let me bring my pipe, we could have this discussion over a good long smoke," complained Bilbo.

*giggles a lot* BILBO!

how it had felt to face the envoy, fair of face and voice, with wrongness in every line of his body. Remembering the growing, choking terror as he had parried and deflected the poisoned words.

Ahhh, omg, Thorin being the one to meet with the envoy-!

"I named his master that which we dwarves call him, Zabuduzn, the Lord of Evil. I told him to crawl back to Mordor and report that none of Erebor would ever serve the Master of Lies. And then I threw him out the gate of the Lonely Mountain and sent him on his ( ... )


Re: Part 1! mithen June 12 2014, 07:31:38 UTC
Ahhh, omg, Thorin being the one to meet with the envoy-!

I KNOW! That's one of those little tiny bits of information that gets me now that I love Bilbo more, knowing that Sauron sent someone to ask after the Ring and they were all like "NEVER HEARD OF HIM BYE NOW." Having it be Thorin--he would have been dying of worry...

*incoherent flailing squeeing noises* THORIN!!! *hearts him SO MUCH*

Poor Thorin! You know that ever since it started to dawn on him what the Ring really was he's been eaten up with guilt that he was the one who gave it to him...

Movie Gandalf has such a clear voice, he's always fun to write! Just get exasperated and growl a lot, most of the time... :)


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