Heroes of the Squared Circle Meta: Country Clark Kent

May 29, 2013 12:27

Country Clark Kent comes from a long and distinguished pedigree of, well... wrestlers with rural backgrounds, like...

Yes, like Hillbilly Jim. Overalls and all. He wrestled in overalls. For some reason the person who uploaded one of the better promotional vids of him won't let me embed it (afraid there'd be too much Hillbilly Jim love?), but here's the link and it really is worth a watch.

Other wrestlers in this vein include the "brother" team of Festus and Jesse:

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(When the WWE let them go in 2007 they claimed it was because they got lost on the way to the arena and never found it.)

Or one of my favorites, Jimmy Wang Yang:

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"HIllbilly" or "Redneck" wrestlers are almost always faces, in large part because well, intellectual types are nearly always heels. I promise poor Clark is going to have other gimmicks someday, but I got having too much fun with this part of his career and so he's been stuck in it longer than I expected. *pats Clark*

Oh, and while we're on the topic of Clark's wrestling style, I thought I would share a couple of videos of the aerial moves he does with Bruce, like the diving hurricanrana. The best example of the move I could find is by a woman wrestler, Lita, who had a signature move called the "Litacanrana" which was a thing of beauty:

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Now just imagine Clark doing the jumping and Bruce doing the catching.

Clark and Bruce also do a shooting star press, which is one of the more difficult moves in wrestling. Here's what it looks like in midair as performed by Evan Bourne:

Holy crap.

It's a move that the WWE only allows certain proven wrestlers to do because it's dangerous (way too easy to land on your head), and to be honest there's probably no way a guy as big as Clark should be doing it, but...Clark and Bruce are special.

Here's a video of a bunch of different shooting star presses:

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Country Clark Kent: More Acrobatic Than a Hillbilly Gimmick Should Probably Be.

hsc meta, ch: clark kent, series: heroes of the squared circle

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