Heroes of the Squared Circle (Clark/Bruce): Master Post and Notes

Mar 14, 2013 09:59

This series will require a more detailed set of notes than many. :)

"Heroes of the Squared Circle" is an Elseworld story in which all the characters of the DCU are professional wrestlers. There are no superpowers, everyone is an ordinary human being--for example, Clark Kent is really the farmboy from Kansas that he appears to be. However, the heroic/villainous alter egos will still be there in the story!

Basically, I've taken the history of the DCU and the history of professional wrestling and smashed them against each other, then picked up the pieces and glued them back together to make a story I hope will be as fun to read as it has been to dream up. Nothing will be exactly as it is in the DCU, but I'm hoping you'll find enough there that's familiar to enjoy. Knowledge of the world and history professional wrestling shouldn't be necessary, as if I did it right everything is explained in the text (if something is unclear, let me know in comments!) There may be some Easter eggs for people who do know who Vince McMahon and the Undertaker are, though. :)

I'm really excited about this one, and I hope you'll enjoy it too!

I'm not keeping the chapter list fully updated anymore, but here are some links to a little meta about the connection between the two genres:

Meta Posts
Billionaire Brucie
Country Clark Kent
Road Trips and Make a Wish
Lex Luthor and Vince McMahon

Prologue: Justice Intelligible
Chapter 2: Handshakes and Opening Bells
Chapter 3: Kayfabe
Chapter 4: Living the Gimmick
Chapter 5: Mortal Combat
Chapter 6: High Flying Moves
Chapter 7: Physical Violence and Bizarre Innuendo
Chapter 8: Gimmick Match
Chapter 9: The End of the Feud
Chapter 10: On the Road Again
Chapter 11: Unbreakable
Chapter 12: Invasion
Chapter 13: You Sold Out
Chapter 14: Zero Hour
Chapter 15: Ambush in the Dark
Chapter 16: Dirt Sheets
Chapter 17: The Natural
Chapter 18: Anger, Frustration, and Pain
Chapter 19: Sanity Clause
Chapter 20: Scattered Fragments
Chapter 21: A Little Investigation
Chapter 22: Truth and...
Chapter 23: ...Consequences
Chapter 24: Make a Wish
Chapter 25: Heel Turn
Chapter 26: Making People Hate You
Chapter 27: All it Takes is One Bad Match
Chapter 28: Submission Holds
Chapter 29: The Dark Knight Descends
Chapter 30: Teamups and Breakups
Chapter 31: Operation: Double Identity
Chapter 32: Tag Team
Chapter 33: Fathers and Sons
Chapter 34: Inferno Match
Chapter 35: Action Figures
Chapter 36: Watch the World Burn
Chapter 37: #DeathInTheFamily
Chapter 38: A Lonely Place
Chapter 39: Rumors
Chapter 40: Running the Gauntlet
Chapter 41: Knightfall
Chapter 42: Moving Forward
Chapter 43:  Wayne Manor
Chapter 44:  Rehabilitation
Chapter 45:  This Be the Verse
Chapter 46: Confrontation
Chapter 47: The Belt is Vacated
Chapter 48: Wrestling a Broomstick
Chapter 49: Pitch Meeting
Chapter 50: Spectacle
Chapter 51: How to Suffer Beautifully
Chapter 52: Dramatic Returns

p: clark/bruce, series: heroes of the squared circle

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