November is Almost Over...At Last

Nov 30, 2012 22:36

I've started to get nervous messages asking if I'm still around and okay! I am! Well, mostly around, and somewhat okay. This has been a horrible month--I've worked seven days a week for more than a month now; I've been coming home, making a list of what I HAD to get done before I could do anything fun or fannish, and once I'd finished them I'd find ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

epeeblade November 30 2012, 14:06:40 UTC
I played COH for years, and my gaming group and I had just started up again when the news came down. We had our last session on Tuesday and when we ended I suggested we all say a few words about the game - a little eulogy. It's incredibly sad. I wish they hadn't decided to do this:(


mithen December 1 2012, 14:41:21 UTC
We played today until they took the server out from under us. :( I always said they'd have to kick me off, but I never thought it would be so soon compared to other games. I loved everything about CoH--the character creation, the sidekicking system, the music. *sigh* But I did use a program to get my information off the servers, so it kind of...feels like I saved them? A little?

Paragon City forever!


northernwalker November 30 2012, 14:34:18 UTC
Cuteonium is such an adorable idea, I'm giggling at the thought!


mithen December 1 2012, 14:42:42 UTC
I was so happy with that idea! :) Kogy was a lot of fun--I actually played her as getting older over the years, wearing more and more adult clothing and not dying her hair funny colors anymore. She was great. I like to imagine that a wormhole opened up and she fell into Metropolis...


northernwalker December 2 2012, 00:32:08 UTC
Clark needs a little sister- perfect!


anonymous November 30 2012, 17:03:40 UTC
Hugs if you want them, for the closing of CoH. It always hurts when something you've poured your love and energy into shuts down.

And also wrestling+DCU+Mithen=One heck of a squeeing lurker anon. Wrestling has been my fandom since the beginning of time (well, 2000), I'm slowly wading into the morass that is DCU, and you are a superb writer. Win/Win/Win all round.


mithen December 1 2012, 14:47:22 UTC
A WRESTLING FAN. *glomps* I'm a fairly new WWE fan, I only picked it up around 2007 or so, though I've consumed a fair amount of history since then. I confess some of the inspiration for this AU is a covert desire to write wrestling fic but feeling like it's just a BIT too close to actual RPF, lol... I've been really struck with how much wrestling and superheros have in common--the double personae, the usually-sharp division between good and evil, and homoeroticism laced with homophobia, lol. I feel like I should go out of my way to watch some Chikara wrestling, since that's more-obviously based on superheroes,, okay, that might be enough babbling about wrestling. *innocent whistling*


starsandsea November 30 2012, 19:03:21 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry you're feeling sad about everything, but I think you have every right to feel so! You've been working so hard, and to have something like City of Heroes closing down on top of that... *hugs you very tight* I hope you can enjoy the last few hours of playing.

Thank you for posting the little list of up coming fic, I'm looking forward to reading them all! And I really, really hope that December is a far better month for you than November has been! *hugs again*


mithen December 1 2012, 14:51:32 UTC
We had a good last day of playing, actually! We defeated a few big villains we'd never been able to beat before, took a lot of screenshots, then went to the starting zone and hung out with a large crowd until the server went down for the last time. *sigh* It's so strange to think I got into City of Heroes well BEFORE I got back into comic books... If anything, I'd say it led me to comic books instead of the other way around.

I'm hoping to post the first chapter of the Bruce/Jim within 24 hours! *crosses fingers* If I can manage it, December is pretty much already better than November, lol... Thank you so much for being there and putting up with me this month!


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mithen December 1 2012, 14:55:19 UTC
God, I'm sorry to hear it about your screen caps. I found some of my old EQ ones while I was looking, which was a blast. I'd better move them somewhere redundant...

We went in today and fought Bobcat and Neuron one last time, super-jumped around Peregrine Park (super-jumping was always one of my favorite things about the game) and went to Atlas Park and waited with the crowd for the world to end. *quiet sniffling*


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