November is Almost Over...At Last

Nov 30, 2012 22:36

I've started to get nervous messages asking if I'm still around and okay! I am! Well, mostly around, and somewhat okay. This has been a horrible month--I've worked seven days a week for more than a month now; I've been coming home, making a list of what I HAD to get done before I could do anything fun or fannish, and once I'd finished them I'd find myself at 11PM.

And that last hour or so of time I did manage to find I ended up spending in City of Heroes, because it closes down forever in less than 24 hours. I started playing CoH in beta, so I've been playing it longer than I've been in fandom. Despite the fact the game was still making money, the company that bought it from its creators decided to shut it down and wipe the servers. This is causing me a lot of grief that's making writing hard this month, I'm afraid. I'm just having a hard time dealing with knowing I'm going to lose all of the heroes I created and loved.

On your left is Kogyaru, my first character and my main for most of my playing life.  She was a normal, fashion-loving teenage girl living in Japan whose single father just happened to be a top-ranked scientist.  But one day she came home to find their house ransacked and her father missing.  In tears, she found her favorite teddy bear in the debris...but when she went to hug it she felt a strange new power running through her!  Her father had hidden his most recent discovery in it:  the awe-inspiringly powerful new element of cutonium, the pure essence of cute.  Now, blazing with her love of justice and adorably kicky outfits, she searches for her father on the streets of Paragon City!

On your right is Goth-Loli, who is the mirror universe, gun-toting, ass-kicking version of Kogyaru.  And below her is Silver Lotus, who's basically a nature spirit incarnate.  I spent so much time playing with them, and with Sparrow Hawke, La Belle Dame, Lady Ice, Mistress Bast, Wildkitten, Glitterati, Hoshi no Hana, Star Lass, Amber Nova--all of them, I loved them all and I loved everything about this game.  I have put aside tomorrow to play until the servers come down under me, to curse the pitiless skies as they depixilate around me, and then to lie down and cry somewhere for the rest of the day.

But I am not gone, I swear!  I usually am very hesitant to post lists of what I'm working on, I think because I'm always afraid I'll jinx myself.  But in this case, because I'm feeling so worried and sad and fretty that I really might NOT be able to find my way back to regular posting, I'm going to do it anyway.  Here's what (with any luck) is coming up in December and early 2013:

1.  I'm almost entirely done with a multipart pre-slash/gentle slash Jim/Bruce fic set after The Dark Knight Rises and am hoping to start posting it this weekend.
2. On Dec. 10 I'm posting a Master & Commander fic for the Advent Calendar at perfect_duet.  I haven't started it yet, alas, but I know exactly what I want to write and I think it's within reach.
3.  I'm hard at work on my Yuletide story, which is for a fandom so small it's not actually measurable.  :)  So that probably won't float many boats here, but I'm enjoying it a lot!

4.  I picked up a WFGE prompt and am having fun with it, though it probably won't be posted until later in December.  If I'm lucky, I might pick up another.
5.  I'm planning in January to start posting a new long Clark/Bruce series!  I've got the prologue written already, and have about 14 chapters planned out so far, although it looks like it'll expand a fair amount more along the way.  It's a kind of story I've never written before, so I'm feeling a little unsure about it, although I'm having so much fun with it I almost don't care.  It's a totally non-superpowered AU where Clark, Bruce, and the rest of the DCU are professional wrestlers.  I'm hoping it'll be a little goofy, have plenty of drama, and maybe manage to be almost as homoerotic as actual professional wrestling...

I'm very sorry this post is mostly full of me whining about life.  I feel ridiculous for being down, because I am legitimately one of the luckiest and happiest people in the world:  I have a great job that pays well, a wonderful supportive husband, all of my family is healthy.  I have a ludicrously good life, it's just that this November is trouncing me so hard.  I don't want to disappear from LJ or from fandom, and I have no intention of it.  I miss posting regularly so badly, I miss all of you so badly.

I will be back.

rl, fic

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