The Man Who Falls (9/10)

Apr 07, 2011 13:12

Title: The Man Who Falls (9/10)

Pairing/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Jack Ryder, Alfred Pennyworth, Harleen Quinzel, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon
Rating: R for violence
Warnings:  None needed
Continuity: The Dark Knight/Superman Returns crossover; a continuation of Leap of Faith.
Word Count:  5000Summary:  Clark Kent arrives in Gotham after the events ( Read more... )

series: leap of faith, ch: harley quinn, ch: clark kent, ch: alfred pennyworth, ch: barbara gordon, ch: bruce wayne, p: clark/bruce, ch: jim gordon, ch: jack ryder

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Comments 86

anonymous April 7 2011, 13:55:32 UTC
One of the most important thing is Clark said"I love you".
The other is Gotham saved Bruce.
Now I can happily, calmly and peacefully wait for the last chapter.
Oh, by the way, GOOOOD way to let Clark now about Batman is Bruce so he didn't have time to be disbelieved.
(I think Alfred and Clark are great partners!Especially when Batman's in trouble.)


mithen April 8 2011, 01:30:16 UTC
One of the most important thing is Clark said"I love you".
The other is Gotham saved Bruce.

I agree! When I was writing, Clark suddenly insisted on getting that in there--like, I think he was afraid Bruce might not get it if he didn't say it clearly. :)

And oh, I love writing Clark and Alfred together worrying about Bruce! They make me so happy...

Thank you so much for commenting! I'm eager to get the last chapter up... *happy sigh*


hitokaji April 7 2011, 14:33:03 UTC
*sobs* It's touching, more than one way. I just love how people of Gotham finally realized the truth and together they helped Batman. That's just the first thing I would expect from the next Batman movie.

And Clark's confession to Bruce was perfect. I wish Bruce will not run away from his feeling anymore. Can't wait to see the next part,hon!!


mithen April 8 2011, 01:43:13 UTC
I just love how people of Gotham finally realized the truth and together they helped Batman. That's just the first thing I would expect from the next Batman movie.

I want that SO MUCH from the third movie. I don't think Nolan can end it with Batman still being shunned and have it be satisfactory...but maybe? I'm dying to see...

And Clark's confession to Bruce was perfect. I wish Bruce will not run away from his feeling anymore.

Bruce won't be running anywhere for a while! He has some recuperating to do, so he can't escape Clark, muahahaha. :) Though I suspect he's a terrible, terrible patient as well...Clark and Alfred will probably want to get away after a little bit. :)


inkspottedtea April 7 2011, 15:00:33 UTC

And Harley was great! And, oh, Babs. She's so smart, and so brave. And she didn't cry out to say anything to Batman, because it was supposed to be a secret. AAAAAahhhh <3 <3 <3

I'm tearing up, this was absolutely fantastic!!!


inkspottedtea April 7 2011, 15:11:38 UTC
ps - have you seen "Superman & Batman, Apocalypse"?


mithen April 8 2011, 01:50:16 UTC
Yep, although only very recently. :) Why do you ask?


inkspottedtea April 9 2011, 08:47:14 UTC
I watched it the other night and was wondering what you thought! I really enjoyed it - I thought Kara was great and the way the art draws Wonder Woman is my favorite EVER.

I did also love how protective Bruce was being of Clark :D


bradygirl_12 April 7 2011, 15:44:15 UTC
Babs was amazing in this! And Bruce suffering so, as he does so beautifully. :)

Harley was certifiable, Clark and Alfred heroic, and Jim, too. Though if I were him I'd get them out of Gotham. Two times too many to be kidnapped and threatened with death!

Good tension throughout this scene, and the ending was lovely.

I have a kink for heroes suffering in full view of everyone and people helpless to help! :)


mithen April 8 2011, 01:52:19 UTC
I just love how people of Gotham finally realized the truth and together they helped Batman. That's just the first thing I would expect from the next Batman movie.

I want that SO MUCH from the third movie. I don't think Nolan can end it with Batman still being shunned and have it be satisfactory...but maybe? I'm dying to see...

And Clark's confession to Bruce was perfect. I wish Bruce will not run away from his feeling anymore.

Bruce won't be running anywhere for a while! He has some recuperating to do, so he can't escape Clark, muahahaha. :) Though I suspect he's a terrible, terrible patient as well...Clark and Alfred will probably want to get away after a little bit. :)

I know, what the heck? Poor kids. I bet little Babs doesn't want to live in a city without Batman, though. :)

I have a kink for heroes suffering in full view of everyone and people helpless to help! :)

OH YEAH. :D I'm really hoping Nolan has something along those lines, although who knows, his Bruce might remain a pretty solitary creature...


lorena_at_large April 7 2011, 16:09:17 UTC
You made me cry! Gosh darn you! Here I was thinking about how funny it was going to be when Clark learned the truth. Oh it would be a laugh riot. F***ing hilarious! Then I read this last part, and so here I am, at my desk, at work, trying to eat my f***ing sandwich, in tears. Thank you. Thank you so bloody much!

It was a fantastic story. Well done. You never disappoint.


mithen April 8 2011, 01:53:43 UTC
Then I read this last part, and so here I am, at my desk, at work, trying to eat my f***ing sandwich, in tears. Thank you. Thank you so bloody much!

No no, thank you! *bows* But seriously, I'm very glad it worked for you, it was kind of a wringer to write it, I confess!


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