"...Like, silly behaviourists of the sociology and computer sciences today are more interested, mind you, in measuring the reactions to the pain of life, and in pinpointing the cause of pain on their fellow humans, i.e., society, than in pinning it down once and for all on what it come from: birth. Even metaphysical gurus and philosopher prophets
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Comments 18
I can never say that nature is insane. Vicious, certainly, but given my experience is makes perfect sense that it would be. Life is painful, but it is glorious too.
He was just very obsessed with the notion of death and mortality.
"Cheer up existentialist kid!"
it's that people put the full weight of that blame upon the heads of gears and cogs
those people ["government, a secretary of state, a defense minister"] do their share of misery proliferation, and yes, things need to be done to correct or counter balance their malignments
but people need to be more aware of the true rules that envelope us and not just focused on the self imposed rules that we've constructed around us
much like how one abides by their own personal ethical codes, while being aware of differing values as well as the towering monolith of legal code
well put indeed!
is there a difference?
there is no anything, no nothing. there is no IS and yet... that's all there IS!
thats the true golden rule: ...
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