Jul 31, 2007 22:53
"...Like, silly behaviourists of the sociology and computer sciences today are more interested, mind you, in measuring the reactions to the pain of life, and in pinpointing the cause of pain on their fellow humans, i.e., society, than in pinning it down once and for all on what it come from: birth. Even metaphysical gurus and philosopher prophets on the lecture circuit are absolutely certain that all the trouble can be attributed to such and such a government, a secretary of state, a defense minister (think of a 'philosopher', mind you, like Bertrand Russell), trying to lay the blame on such born victims of birth as that, than on the very metaphysical causes they're supposed to propose to argue, that is, what comes before and after the physical, i.e., being born so that there can be dying.
Who's going to come out and say that the mind of nature is intrinsically insane and vicious forever?"
Jack Kerouac, The Vanity of Duluoz
poets say it better