Kitchen, MCA#1, Saturday Morning

Apr 26, 2008 19:02

Lulu was at the stove, poaching a couple of eggs for breakfast. There was already some fried ham, and she had a bit of Hollandaise left over from dinner the night before -- perfect for Eggs Benedict.

She was humming to herself as she worked, completely oblivious to anything odd or exciting that might be going on in Fandom this weekend.

where: mca #1, who: liir thropp, who: jean-paul beaubier, fandom: au kids

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notlostyouare April 26 2008, 23:00:27 UTC
Okay, so Daddy's silly apartment building had clearly gotten up and moved overnight or something, because it wasn't where she'd left it and it took forever to find it! But she did eventually, which is why she's knocking on what she's totally, absolutely sure is the right door.


mistressofblack April 26 2008, 23:10:08 UTC
Lulu wasn't sure she could deal with any more surprises today, but nonetheless she went and opened the door. "Oh, hello," she said, preparing herself in case this one launched at her, as well.


notlostyouare April 26 2008, 23:13:59 UTC
"Hi!" Bronwyn chirps brightly. "...You're not Daddy!" she says, tilting her head at Lulu.


notafairy April 26 2008, 23:16:42 UTC
"If it is mine," Jean-Paul called from the kitchen, "I am not home."


notlostyouare April 26 2008, 23:25:03 UTC
"I'm not yours!" Bronwyn calls back. "So I guess that means you're still home!"


mistressofblack April 26 2008, 23:28:52 UTC
"Apparently," Lulu said, a little relieved that this one, at least, appeared not to be their child. "Would you like to come in?" she asked. "We can get you some juice, and see if we can find your father for you, all right?"


notlostyouare April 26 2008, 23:35:49 UTC
"I gots two, not just one," Bronwyn informs her helpfully as she enters the apartment. "We should probably try and find *both* of them if they're losted. Also, Daddy says you shouldn't give people direct 'vites cause they could be vampires," the serious tone in which she delivers this advice is possibly outweighed somewhat by the grumbling noise her stomach makes as soon as she smells breakfasty things.


mistressofblack April 26 2008, 23:45:21 UTC
Lulu laughed softly. "And perhaps some breakfast for you, as well?" she asked.

"That is very good advice from your Daddy," she added. "I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. You're not a vampire, are you?"


notlostyouare April 26 2008, 23:54:43 UTC
Bronwyn shakes her head. "M'not a vampire, I'm a KID! And yes please breakfasts and juice?"


mistressofblack April 27 2008, 00:00:16 UTC
"Do you like eggs Benedict?" Lulu asked, leading Bronwyn into the kitchen. She poured a glass of orange juice for the young girl. "My name is Lulu," she added. "What's yours?"


notlostyouare April 27 2008, 00:03:00 UTC
"Eggs Benefits sounds good," Bronwyn says with a nod. "I'm Bronwyn," she adds before taking a nice big gulp of juice.


mistressofblack April 27 2008, 00:09:29 UTC
Lulu cracked another egg into the pan of water, and heated up the griddle to fry another slice of ham. At this rate, she'd have to make more Hollandaise.

Ah, well, it was an excuse to make meringues.

"It's very nice to meet you, Bronwyn," Lulu said. She placed another half-muffin in the toaster. "Can you tell me your fathers' names?


notlostyouare April 27 2008, 00:13:06 UTC
"Xander'n'Bridge Carson," Bronwyn replies dutifully. The whole 'don't give out personal information to strangers' thing doesn't seem to matter quite as much when you're psychic.


mistressofblack April 27 2008, 00:35:34 UTC
Lulu smiled. "As it happens," she said, "I know them, I believe. I can help you find them after you eat, all right?"


notlostyouare April 27 2008, 00:41:30 UTC
"Okay!" Bronwyn nods. "Just don't tell great-gramma that I eated stuffs with ham it, okay? Daddies don't really care, though, so I'm still 'llowed if I'm sneaksy!"


mistressofblack April 27 2008, 01:04:53 UTC
"All right," Lulu said, laughing softly. "I won't tell her." She served Bronwyn, and sat her down at the counter. "Do you want me to show you where your fathers live?" she asked.


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