Things you did not need to know

Jun 13, 2008 03:38

Just in aid of trying to be more regular about posting something...

Odds and ends, surprisingly lacking in whine. )

dreams, music, writing, rl

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Comments 8

kerravonsen June 13 2008, 22:09:33 UTC
{hugs} Been missing my Mistral.

Regarding the RSI, have you considered using a trackball rather than a mouse? It's a bit better for mousing, because you don't have to lift and move it, you just have to use your fingers rather than your wrist.
And for the games, is there some sort of "pause" for the game? Because the bad thing about games and RSI is that you don't get a chance to have a break. Even a break of fifteen seconds every five minutes can help.


vilakins June 13 2008, 22:59:26 UTC
Mrs Techboy doesn't get a name of her own?

'Mousing' is a valid term! :-) Do you have a normal mouse, because there are different designs which help a lot with RSI.


izhilzha June 17 2008, 21:01:58 UTC
Hello! I meant to comment as soon as I saw that you'd posted (it even went onto my to-do list for that day), but lordy, I've been so distracted and unfocused the past week or so, it's a wonder I'm getting anything done (and then my internet went down, so I'm at a coffee shop to get online).

Glad to see you posting--and I shall pray about your wrist, because really, you need to be able to do fun things.


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