Things you did not need to know

Jun 13, 2008 03:38

Just in aid of trying to be more regular about posting something...

  • Tuesday I had an incredibly convoluted dream, the most coherent part of which involved me applying for a job as assistant to an orchestral archaeologist (who was played with verve by Malcolm McDowell). The job required overseeing rehearsals, writing symphonies for the boss to conduct, and assisting on digs in the Mideast. Say, what?
  • Wednesday I saw an advertisement for a "cookbook for vegetarians who eat meat and fish." Say, what? What?
  • Toolboy is now married. His wife shall henceforth be known in this LJ as Pi Girl (she is a math/engineering geek; yay, more geeks!)
  • Thursday Wondergirl, Mrs. Techboy, Pi Girl, and the gal next door invaded my kitchen to decorate cookies for a baby shower. Nothing to do with me, really; but Wondergirl wanted to have company while she decorated (which she thought she was doing alone), so I said she was welcome here. It snowballed. :) bibliohippo and I stayed out of the way, playing computer games in the living room. Mind you, it's good there were four of them working; they had eight or ten dozen cookies to do, and Wondergirl was here until after 11, as it was.
  • Speaking of games, I've got new and severe RSI-type pains in my mousing wrist, and I cannot find a good brace that fits. If I have to give up computer games on top of everything else, I'm going to be peeved. OTOH, typing still seems to be a bit less bothersome than mousing (yes, I back-formed a verb, so sue me), so I hope writing is safe for a while.
  • I've been re-reading some of my unfinished fic, in hopes of wrestling the muse into submission. Yesterday I identified a flaw in the opening scene of "Wizard in the House" that's going to necessitate some revision. On the one hand, it's good that I can see that it needs to be fixed. On the other hand, blearghh. :(
  • On Thursday a week ago, I bought an .mp3 of 10CC's "I'm Not In Love." I knew I had the CD somewhere, but where? I reasoned that I was itching to hear the thing NOW, and even if I found the CD a week or two later, it wasn't unreasonable to pay $.89 to listen to it on heavy rotation for that long. You know what's coming next, right? The CD popped up in front of me two days later. Of course. ::wry look::
  • Ooh, and speaking of CDs, I found a couple of slightly obscure Sting CDs on - remixes and live versions. One of them has a nine-minute cover of "Little Wing" (which I collect covers of--it's nice when your obsessions collide). I'se a happy Misty. :)

dreams, music, writing, rl

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