Fifteen characters fleeing an author...

Jun 03, 2008 05:10

Ooh, looky my brane is only half-broke this week! Wanna play, too.


Yes, well. Meme snagged from all over. If you want to play, make your list of fifteen characters before you read the questionsMy list of characters (and their fandoms ( Read more... )

soolin, labyrinth, sg-1, fleinhardt, vila, hiro, hp, multifannish, wilson, house, humor, btvs, bayban, memes, numb3rs, b7

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Comments 6

rahirah June 3 2008, 14:26:50 UTC
You know, you could just publish these. *g*


astrogirl2 June 3 2008, 15:49:44 UTC
Oh, man, I want somebody to write #7, too! In fact, I think I'd happily read several of these. :)


vilakins June 3 2008, 21:19:57 UTC
it was all a spell laid on him before Dumbledore's death, to enable the Hat to get rid of hostile extra-dimensional entities such as Bayban

You know what, that's almost believable?

Soolin and House's baby might have a chance being brought up by Vila, who would love it anyway.

But hey, I was underwhelmed by the House finale too. I feel the series has lost its way from House being the clever observer and making deductions like a medical Holmes (obviously what they intended going by his and Wilson's names). House no longer seems clever to me, but just fires scattershot guesses in the hopes that one might hit the target, and I really miss the little walk-in gems. Now he's just annoying without any redeeming features and if it doesn't improve next season, I may stop watching.


mistraltoes June 19 2008, 05:03:10 UTC
I've always thought that the House formula is a recipe for disaster. In order to have an hour-long episode, they have to go through a series of wrong diagnoses in order to stretch out the plot. How can they show House's brilliance when he has to be wrong more often than he's right? They really shouldn't have locked themselves into that format, IMO. I got tired of it after the first season; I just watch now because I adore House and Wilson (and to a lesser extent, Chase and Foreman.)


vilakins June 19 2008, 05:24:32 UTC
In order to have an hour-long episode, they have to go through a series of wrong diagnoses in order to stretch out the plot.

They could add more character stuff, and bring back the walk-ins. I don't watch it for the medical stuff anyway, but for the snark.

I just watch now because I adore House and Wilson (and to a lesser extent, Chase and Foreman.)

And Chase and Foreman are hardly in it now. I can't stand Chase though, bigoted and arrogant little sod.


sallymn June 3 2008, 21:38:15 UTC
I soooo much want to see the road trip in Q11, I do I do...

And Soolon and Wilson would be rather lovely together if she just hadn't, errr, killed him :)


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