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Comments 15

vilakins September 2 2006, 11:34:52 UTC
Who are Larry and Megan?


mistraltoes September 2 2006, 11:42:51 UTC
You might have seen Larry, but not Megan. Larry is the slightly off-beat, sweet, and full-of-wonder physicist from Numb3rs, and Megan is the FBI profiler who joined Numb3rs in its second season. They've been on one date that we know of, and it appears to have gone well. My first Numb3rs fic, Pas de Deux, is about one of their dates.


vilakins September 2 2006, 11:58:36 UTC
Ah, yes, I didn't know Larry's surname. I only saw a few eps.


mistraltoes September 2 2006, 12:03:36 UTC
Yes, I remember that it didn't have enough math for you. I wish it had more, too, and the plots are not terribly engaging, but I love the characters, especially Larry.


izhilzha September 2 2006, 20:13:08 UTC
The bobble-headed vampire doll, because it looked more like Angel than like him.


The "Buffy the Vampire Layer" T-shirt he fantasized about giving her after he caught her snogging Angel. Because if she killed him for it, he'd never see her again.

*chokes on coffee* That is...that is hysterical. That is bloody perfect. Aw, Spike.

As for the other list? That's a fic waiting to happen. Brilliant of you to not only put in the ones who can snark, but Larry to comment on the snark, and Wilson to be bemused by it all. There's serious potential here....


mistraltoes September 10 2006, 14:47:18 UTC
I cannot take credit for 'Buffy the Vampire Layer', since a lot of fans were calling her that in the last couple of seasons.

As for the other list? That's a fic waiting to happen.

::sigh:: Yeah, it would be nice. Think it's beyond my skill set, though. Maybe if you and I and kerravonsen were all in the same room we could make it work. Alas, earwax! :(


kerravonsen September 3 2006, 02:16:37 UTC
The sapphire-and-emerald ring that would have made her eyes sparkle so, because he would have had to attack the woman who was wearing it, and after he got his soul back, he finally understood why Buffy wouldn't want him to.


Methos, for his snarktastic excellence and willingness to entertain possibilities.
Gregory House, for his snarktastic excellence and his skepticism.

Oh yes! This would be fantastic. 8-)


mistraltoes September 10 2006, 14:44:03 UTC

You're a softy, you are.

I sort of think that if you got Methos, House, and Snape or Avon together in the same room, the snark would reach critical proportions and the world would implode.


kerravonsen September 10 2006, 22:06:11 UTC
I have a vague recollection that someone wrote a similar idea, where House and Holmes were two of the guests and someone wasn't vigilant enough in keeping them apart and there started to be a rip in the space-time continuum. Darn, I can't remember who or where it was. Was the dinner at Hogwarts? I can't remember.


mistraltoes September 11 2006, 06:27:12 UTC
Ooh. I remember that; it was funny! But I don't remember where it was. I do think Snape was in it, and possibly Willow?


sallymn September 3 2006, 02:21:50 UTC
That dinner sounds like fun...


mistraltoes September 10 2006, 14:40:45 UTC
As long as I don't have to cook it, thanks.


kerravonsen September 10 2006, 22:07:54 UTC
Doctor Who! Iron Chef! (evil grin)


mistraltoes September 11 2006, 06:28:24 UTC
I'm not sure that Gallifreyan is a recognized cuisine in Japan. :-P


treadingthedark September 13 2006, 16:44:16 UTC
Others may have thought of the Buffy the Vampire Layer thing, but Spike giving it to her on a T-shirt after the Angel kiss?

That brilliant idea was all yours. HEHE.


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