Five things meme answers, part one

Sep 02, 2006 04:01

From kerravonsen:

Five presents Spike never gave Buffy.
  1. The stuffed animal he won for her at the county fair on their only real (and very secret) date, because while he was winning it, she won three of her own.
  2. A vampire hickey. Because biting is a no-no.
  3. The bobble-headed vampire doll, because it looked more like Angel than like him.
  4. The sapphire-and-emerald ring that would have made her eyes sparkle so, because he would have had to attack the woman who was wearing it, and after he got his soul back, he finally understood why Buffy wouldn't want him to.
  5. The "Buffy the Vampire Layer" T-shirt he fantasized about giving her after he caught her snogging Angel. Because if she killed him for it, he'd never see her again.

Five non HP-characters to invite to a dinner where Snape is the guest of honour.
  1. Methos, for his snarktastic excellence and willingness to entertain possibilities.
  2. Gregory House, for his snarktastic excellence and his skepticism.
  3. James Wilson, to be bemused by all the snark.
  4. Larry Fleinhardt, to be amused and comment on all the snark.
  5. Megan Reeves, because she can snark with the best of them and still be gentle with Wilson and Larry. And because she's Larry's date.

Hey, this is fun, and it helps take my mind off stuff. Yay!

house, humor, snape, fleinhardt, hp, btvs, spike, memes, numb3rs

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