003: stuffed in Davy Jones's locker (forward dated to friday)

Sep 22, 2011 13:14

(A. 1445 Mitchell)[Eridan wasn't really a morning person to begin with, and the constant nightmares have not been helping issues, either. He arrives at the breakfast table, eyes heavy, looking like he hasn't had a wink of sleep in days. The caffeinated beverage known as coffee does help matters, but it's not like he really knows how to brew a pot ( ( Read more... )

could reely go for a latte, davvy jones's locker, trolls gettin trolled, bullyin is not blackrom, still forevver alone, trainwwreck wwaitin to happen

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Comments 115

B hontobakabaka September 22 2011, 17:25:52 UTC
[Ruri had seen the incident and she sighed, idiots. Walking over to the locker she knocked slightly]

Do you want me to get you out?


misterwwizard September 24 2011, 00:37:42 UTC
Oh no thank you I fuckin' love bein' stuffed into these things.

[Oh the sarcasm is so thick you can cut it with a knife.]


hontobakabaka September 24 2011, 00:40:16 UTC
[The deadpan sarcasm is there]

Well, if that's what you want....


B nosoul_nomind September 22 2011, 17:33:23 UTC
[Opens locker

blinks at you]

Sure is. Why're you in there?


misterwwizard September 22 2011, 20:08:09 UTC
[Oh god the bright light from being in darkness Eridan is slightly blinded as he rubs his eyes to adjust. He's still pretty sore about it all.]

Fuckin' pain in the ass fuckin' panwashed assholes... Stuffin' me into a locker an' callin' me a dweeb. They have no clue who they're messin' with...


nosoul_nomind September 23 2011, 01:57:04 UTC
That's a stupid thing to do. Why'd they do that? Did ya piss 'em off or something?


misterwwizard September 24 2011, 01:05:45 UTC
They were makin' fun a' my attire an' my bling an' I told them they should be watchin' themselves cause they're messin' with nobility. Sea troll nobility.

Then they shoved my head in a toilet. Tellin' me that I should be feelin' right at home there.

Life is so hard.


B foretastes September 22 2011, 18:02:45 UTC
[she doesn't open the locker, but instead starts beating on it with her cane. loudly.]



Re: B misterwwizard September 22 2011, 20:10:35 UTC
[OH GOD THE NOISE. Eridan was going to take advantage of the situation to get some beauty sleep but oh god he knows that voice and that cane rattling...]

Ter could you be cuttin' that out I don't want to be goin' deaf from all the rattlin' you're doin'! Besides, I'm tryin' to sleep!


foretastes September 22 2011, 20:12:13 UTC
Eeeeeridan? [she'd know that grape broken dreams fishy smell anywhere! Terezi very blindly pries open the locker.]

What the hell were you doing in one of the humans' solid containment units?


misterwwizard September 24 2011, 00:17:50 UTC
[Eridan sighs. It's hard being a troll prince when no one cares. And no one understands. No one ever understands.]

Those fuckin' humans keep shovin' me into these lockers an' callin' me a dweeb. Probably the most barbaric way I've ever been blackflirted with...

An' the most painful...fuckin' cramped in here don't even have room to be movin'


C cameracrush September 22 2011, 21:45:17 UTC
[Ami was a tease and a rampant flirt, but not really one to drop the opportunity for another fanboy. Especially not when we she was so starved for entertainment. So she casually makes her way to the malt shop, exhibiting none of the jitters Eridan had.]

Oiiiii. Anyone here not a drone?


misterwwizard September 24 2011, 00:51:23 UTC
[The voice sounds kinda familiar! Was that the girl he was talking too over the phone? Eridan turns to the direction of the voice only to see Ami looking for her would-be date as well.]

I'm way fuckin' better than any a' these panscrubbed assholes.


cameracrush September 24 2011, 23:20:13 UTC
[Oh, there was no mistaking. This was the guy. She's taken back a little by his appearance-- the gray skin, the horns, and what have you. But it passes off her expression quickly enough, and she pushes her hair over a shoulder, an absent distraction, before speaking.]

Oh? And who are you supposed to be~?


misterwwizard September 25 2011, 01:32:17 UTC
[He doesn't really take any note of her reaction. He just thought she was taken back by his awesome. Time to turn on the swwag an look as suavve as possible.]

Eridan Ampora, the noblest a' noble seatrolls.

[despite him being anything but.]


B dutying September 23 2011, 13:18:02 UTC
[ ... Is that sound coming from a locker.. Minako can't help but sigh a little. Sometimes these drones really went too far in her opinion. Although her face is still rather poker faced and perhaps even a bit disinterested, she does open the locker. ]

You could say that again, I suppose.


misterwwizard September 25 2011, 07:54:37 UTC
[Eridan always knew people liked his voice. Upon hearing that, he obliges in Minako's request. Can never pass down an attempt to look awesome. He repeats his past statement, with all the suaveness a troll stuck in a locker can muster. Which is, very obvious to say, none.]


[smooth, Eridan.]


dutying September 25 2011, 13:43:55 UTC
[ the smoothest.

Minako just raises an eyebrow almost sceptically. ]

How long have you exactly been stuck in there? I can't imagine it's very comfortable.


misterwwizard September 27 2011, 05:48:29 UTC
No you get used to it after a fuckin' while. This seems to be happenin' almost daily now.

I believe it's been a good hour or so.

[he attempts to stumble out of the locker, only to fall flat on his face.]

I meant to do that. Really best way to be gettin' the legs to work again.

[Yeah that's bullshit Eridan and you know it]


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