003: stuffed in Davy Jones's locker (forward dated to friday)

Sep 22, 2011 13:14

(A. 1445 Mitchell)

[Eridan wasn't really a morning person to begin with, and the constant nightmares have not been helping issues, either. He arrives at the breakfast table, eyes heavy, looking like he hasn't had a wink of sleep in days. The caffeinated beverage known as coffee does help matters, but it's not like he really knows how to brew a pot (besides, he's a hipster, we all know he'd be getting Alternian Starbucks)... So he'll just wait around, hoping someone will do it for him.]

(B. Mayfield High, later that day)

[School took forever to get through, as one would usually expect. One thing that certainly didn't help matters was that due to his glasses and his taste in clothing, he was usually a prime target for drone bullies. Being of alternian nobility did not matter much to them, and telling them that they're messing with the wrong sea troll often caused him to get his face in a toilet. You know, the usual. Awkwardly considering it as blackrom flirtation did not help matters, either. By the end of the day, it wasn't uncommon that Eridan be stuffed in a locker, and today was no exception. If you pass by one of the lockers, you can probably hear Eridan slightly whimpering, or yelling. Help him/laugh at him/ be stuck in the locker next to him?]


(C. The Malt Shop, even later)

[Though, everything didn't matter because by the end of the day, Eridan had something he was looking forward to: a date, of all things. At least, that's what he thinks it was. He'll be pacing nervously, waiting for her to show up. Then again, he doesn't know who to look for, as all of this planning was done completely over the phone. It could be anyone.]

could reely go for a latte, davvy jones's locker, trolls gettin trolled, bullyin is not blackrom, still forevver alone, trainwwreck wwaitin to happen

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