Aug 27, 2011 01:53

(action, 1445 Mitchell, morning)

[Eridan still hadn't really gotten used to waking up early. Most were rather groggy, with him being as grumpy as ever. Though, that mood changes when he finds himself a package in the morning...]

What in the fuckin' hell is all this then?

[He opens the package hurriedly, only to get a nasty cardboard cut...which, despite the pain, left a very, very pleasant surprise. His purple blood. Oh thank goodness. Another day of living as a lowblooded human and he may as well have gone insane.]

Thank fuckin' glub that's all over with. Damn it feels fuckin' good to be a highblood.

(phone, later that afternoon)

So, To all of you out there that may be hearin' this on this device, I'm back to bein' my old highblood self. You landdwellers best be watchin' yourselves because after livin' as you for a few months I've found you lot to be fuckin' disgustin'. Well, most a' you. There's a few a' you who I wouldn't mind fillin' the quadrants with but that's beside the point. Best be watchin' yourselves because I am not one to be fuckin' trifled with.

[He pauses as he remembers the milk from the other day. and sighs wistfully. Oh, he was sure that she's still here, and that she's responsible. Never mind everyone telling him otherwise.]

While I'm on such a topic, I should be bringin' up the lovely surprise I got in my milk the other day. It was like someone was sendin' me a message a' hate. And only one person I know who would be sendin' such a message with spiders. Knew you couldn't be resistin' the call a' the old days an' our old rivalry. You're gonna have to be tryin' harder than that though don't think you can just be crawlin' back into my life just like your little fuckin' spiders did into my mouth. I've gotten other prospects now for those sorts a' things an' you better believe they're better than you are.

no matter what forevver alone

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