004 - Forevver Alone.

Oct 11, 2011 05:16

Phone, unfiltered.
[Eridan's been pretty confident about this whole new leaf he's been turning. He's got a moirail, a potential matesprit... Everything. Hell, he's even sure about this whole human homecoming dance thing...Doesn't care about filters for this because hey, he wants the whole world to hear his declarations.]

So... I've been hearin' some things about this whole homecomin' thing an' even though I'm usually hatin' the schoolhive I'm pretty sure I could be tryin' this out. After all It's all part a' the datin' process accordin' to my research so...might as well be askin' my main flushcrush to be joinin' me.

So Fef, you willin' to be makin' waves on the dance floor with me?
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