Oct 07, 2007 18:31

features the song: Light My Candle (original broadway cast version)

...it just might make more sense if you hear the song first XD.

Title-- Wrap My Bandage
Disclaimer-- Don't own TMNT, or Rent's Light My Candle.
Warnings-- singing turtles. ...and mentions of Venus (<3)! and it's just...incredibly stupid XD
Summary-- AU. While Raph waits for Casey to bring back dinner, he gets an unexpected visit from a stranger. Raph/Leo.

About time, was what Raphael thought as he got up to answer the three knocks on the door.

Casey had been gone for, what? An hour? Knowing him, he probably got rung up by April and distracted. And now he's gone and forgotten his keys. Raph sighed, finally making it to the door after tripping over weights, clothes, and other assorted objects lying around. It was worse that they had no lights; the last of their candles had burned out two nights ago. And to get more was a side-job given to Casey when he'd stepped out to retrieve food.

Raph cursed, undoing the lock. It's things like this that made him re-think about bunking with the moron. Case was a good friend, the best by far as much as Raph was concerned, just...a lug-head.

Raphael opened the door. "Got the beers?"

"I need some help," answered a voice that entirely wasn't Casey's.

Raph blinked, studying the turtle in front of him, who also wore a ninja mask except his was blue. The face made his memories shift, but no name came to mind. He squinted, trying to think.

"I know you; you're...." Raph stopped, noticing the slight tremor of the newcomer. "You're shiverin'."

He opened the door wider and shuddered as more cold air, fresh from the outdoors, flooded in. The stranger hurriedly stepped inside, though he looked uncomfortable to be welcomed into a home so easily.

"Just training to last without heat," he responded, a bit breathless. His mask was slightly twisted and out of place, and he brought his right hand up to remove it. Awkwardly, he added in small talk, "And it's been hours since I've had something to eat...." To the point, he faced Raph full on and sheepishly held his left arm out towards him. "Would you wrap my bandage?"

He hesitated, noticing the homeowner's prolonged gaze as his mask fell away.

"What are you staring at?"

Raph blinked out of his stupor, a bit embarrassed. "Nothing! Your hair...in the moon...light?"

The other turtle's what-the-hell stare made the shine of the moon against his bald green head all the more apparent. Raph swiftly changed the subject.

"You look familiar."

He blinked, noticing the stranger swaying. He reached out.

"...Can you make it?"

The ninja waved him off. "Just trained kind of hard today---and would this cut stop bleeding?" He cast a brief glare at the wound before continuing. "Anyway...." He frowned, noticing Raphael's stare once more. "What?"

Raph shook out of it again. "Nothing." Unsure, he added, "Your mask reminded me of--"

A chuckle made him stop. "Don't usually 'remind people of'. Who is he?"

"She died." Raph felt himself grimace at the memory. "Her name was Venus--"

"It's loose again." The stranger interrupted inadvertently. He looked up then, with an ashamed frown. "Sorry about your friend...." He stepped towards Raph, offering his arm with a slight humility now. "Could you wrap my bandage?"

Raph slowly brought his hands to the loose ends of gauze; he was never good with this kind of stuff. "Well...."

A glance. "Yeah?" A cringe. "Ow."

Raph immediately let go of the too-tight bind he'd made. "Shit, the blood---it's---"

"Running," the stranger finished with a strange tone and a blank gaze. He held up his arm where a new patch of dark had soiled through the bandages and smiled. "I like it between my--"

"You can leave now, you weirdo," Raph cut in, suddenly wondering about the sanity of this ninja. He had the front door opened and the stranger pushed out in a matter of seconds. "Later; goodnight."

Raphael paused as the door clicked into place, hand still on the knob. His thoughts swirled around the other turtle's wound, the way he shook, his unfocused gaze.... And he hadn't eaten, either, right? Raph knew he'd be babbling weird shit, too, if he had all those things going wrong with him. If Raph had let him stay, he could've eaten dinner with him and Casey. But... Raphael looked at the entrance where the stranger had taken his leave. It was too late to ask now. He sighed, turning away from the door.

He was stepping away by the time three familiar knocks on the wood sounded through the room, and immediately he was pulling open the door, brushing his fingers over his head for casual effect. "It got loose again?"

"No! I think that I dropped my mask." The turtle practically pushed him aside, or would've if Raph hadn't moved and opened the door wider in his wake.

"I know I've seen you out---in the sun...it was in the past month." For some reason, the otherwise hotheaded one didn't mind as much as he thought he should, closing the door before turning around to face this stranger. His gaze drifted to the wound and he gestured towards it. "It came undone."

The not-so-much-a-stranger-now ignored this, eyes making a sweep on the dim-lit room. "The blue one I had on when I walked in the door. I'm so sure...." He began to fold to his knees. "Is it on the floor?"

Raph raised an eye-ridge, following him with his gaze. "The floor?"

The ninja proceeded to crouch down on his hands and knees, looking underneath the furniture. "They say that I have the best swords...below Fourteenth Street. Is it true?" He glanced over his shoulder to flash a sly grin at Raph.

The latter blinked in confusion. "What the fuck're you talkin'--?"

He snickered, shaking his head before returning to his search. "You're staring again."

"No, I'm not!" Raph blinked, studying the ninjaken strapped across the other turtle's back. "I mean, you do...got some nice---Wait, what the hell?" He hurled an accusing finger at the stranger, stepping forward. "You look familiar!"

"Like the girl you mentioned."

"Only with that mask, but I'm sure I've seen you somewhere else."

The ninja paused with a frown, straightening up to kneel to face the homeowner. "Do you go to Master Splinter's Dojo? That's where I stay. I train." He held his hands out. "Help me look?"

"Yeah!" Raph exclaimed as his memories clicked into place. He dropped to his knees at his visitor's side, his expression pulled into slight disdain. "He puts you through some tough crud."

The stranger shrugged, on his hands and knees again, searching for his mask. "Made me stronger."

"I didn't recognize you without more cuts...." Raph let his gaze linger on a certain long scar along the stranger's thigh; he remembered how much it had bled during a fight with a challenger to the dojo, along with a variation of other bloody patterns.... That was last month.

The stranger glanced up, meeting Raph's eyes with a smile. "You could wrap my bandage." He held up his injured arm. When Raphael's stare bore upon it, but his hands didn't reach for it, the stranger frowned. "Why won't you wrap my bandage?"

He jumped as Raph jolted upwards and then he winced as Raph grabbed his wrist none too gently. "Why don't you forget that stuff? You look like you're my age."

"I could be.... I'm just about sixteen." There was glint of half-pride and half-sadness in his expression when he added, "Just taught I should be strong."

Raph rolled his eyes. "I once was taught I 'should be strong'." The stranger stared at him expectantly, so he elaborated: "I used to shiver like that."

The stranger's eyes narrowed. "To train the mind, I told you--"

"I used to sweat."

"...Training the bod--"

"Yeah, right, I used to have your Sensei."

The ninja's gaze softened and he looked at his hands. "Now and then I tend to--"


"--over work."

Raph looked down as his hand brushed over something soft on the shadowed floor. "Oh, here it--"

"What's that?"

The red-clad turtle hurriedly tucked the item from the stranger's view and tossed it across the room, into the shadows. Suddenly, he didn't want his visitor to leave. "...It's my roommate's boxers."

A sigh sounded and the stranger was holding his arm towards Raphael once more. "Could you wrap my bandage?" He blinked, noticing that the hands that accepted the work were instead undoing the wraps. "Hey, what're you doing to my bandage?"

"...We have to change it now," was the explanation. Raph's voice came gruff still, but soft this time around as he undid the stained gauze. Even though the blood had begun to clot, he still groped the floor around him until he found something that resembled a rag and pressed it to the wound.

"At least the blood stopped. Though, thank you for the cloth."

"Maybe it's not a cloth at all." Raph's voice was suddenly thick with his mouth twisted into a grimace as he began to recognize it under light. "My roommate always leaves used boxers lying around."

"GET IT OFF ME!" The alarm that rang out startled Raph so that it took him a while to rid of the article of underwear and he had to grab the ninja's hand to stop him from flailing. At the contact, the other turtle's volume died as his eyes met Raph's. "...Get it off me...."

"...Three fingers," Raph whispered, hand against his visitor's.

"You, too," the ninja responded, studying the two hands together. "Steady. Like my dad's...." His sly smile stretched across his face and he pulled Raph to his feet, backing away as he unsheathed a sword. "Wanna spar?"

Raph's own face split into an excited grin, spinning his sais and getting into fighting stance. "With you?"

"No." The other turtle rolled his eyes with the ring of sarcasm, still with that smile as he looked back to Raphael. He unsheathed his second sword. "With my dad."

The red-clad turtle laughed. "I'm Raph."

"Now you know, now you know---I'm...." He ran forward. "Leeeeeooooo!"

And the rhythmic cries of steel clashing with steel began.

leonardo, fanfiction, tmnt

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