Title: In Every Way
Author: Purpleyin
Rating: T
Spoilers: All Season 2
Summary: Ten Marco/Diana drabbles based around the five senses. Half from Diana's POV, half from Marco's.
A/N: Betaread by Fanwoman.
Diana POV
Gain (Smell)
In the morning he smells of shampoo and coffee. The rich aroma of the dark brew tends to induce a reminder of the guilty pleasures of standing too close to him, even if he’s not around. She drinks more coffee than she used to because of him.
By lunch, he seems to take on the scent of the copier most days, and it's reminiscent of the first time she sought him out for advice, coming down when the room was bound to be mostly empty and pulling him to one side for a word. It was also possibly the first time she'd really touched him. He'd blushed, and she'd found it rather unlike the Marco she was used to, but terribly endearing, too. She found more and more excuses to see him after that.
Each smell has a memory attached, an emotion that swells as she breathes it in deep, that tells her something about herself. He's taught her a lot of things she'd never have considered, the use of rosemary being just one of them - but it's the strongest one, the most evocative smell of all those that make her think of him. At dinner, she thinks of rosemary and the other herbs he adds to his cooking. Although he’s rarely eaten with them, every time she adds in rosemary to a recipe, she feels like he's there. Sometimes, Maia makes a comment and smiles knowingly into her plate because it's Marco's rosemary, and, quite rightly, she deduces that means something. Diana would like to know what it means, too, but she's still figuring it out. That's one thing Marco can't teach her; she has to learn for herself. She's been alone for a long time, so she's a bit rusty. But the rosemary definitely helps her remember what it is to have someone care.
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 5