Title: Third Time's A Charm, In Theory Author: Purpleyin Rating: K Spoilers: All of S4 generally. Summary: Trilogy of Christmas drabbles featuring Marco and the Skouris ladies. Bit angsty, sorry.
Title: Seeing Straight Author: Purpleyin Rating: K
Spoilers: Definitely Season 1, and perhaps by implication the setup for the start of Season 2.
Summary: Written for the Diana/Marco month of love, and for skidamarinka who provided the prompt of “Diana and Marco shop together for Maia's birthday present.”
Had a play around with GIMP for the first time in ages and felt the urge to make some 4400 icons. As usual no hotlinking, please comment if you take and it'd be nice to credit me in keywords if using on LJ, otherwise I'm happy so long as no one is claiming them as their own work instead. Hope they're enjoyed by someone. :)
Rating: K+ Spoilers: All of Season 2 generally. Summary: Nothing is ever over, nothing is ever simple. Not for any 4400, and not for Diana and Marco either. Oneshot with OC 4400 in there as well as mainly character/ship.
Rating: K+ Spoilers: All of Season 2 Summary: Rather grim future fic. The war isn't what she expected, and it's also not something she can live with anymore. Diana/Marco.