It's like Truth or Dare, without the dare part....

Mar 03, 2006 21:07

Couldn't resist stealing this meme:

Ask me a question about each of the following:
- Friends
- Sex
- Music
- Drugs
- Love
- Livejournal
No matter how rude, sexual, or confidential. Then post this in your journal and see what questions you get asked!

Now's your chance, peeps!

nicole airs her dirty laundry, ask me anything, pointless memery

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Comments 30

here goes cllort March 4 2006, 05:16:11 UTC
Do you think that show was honestly as good as everyone else seemed to think?

What was the most number of times you had sex in one day?

What's your least favorite genre?

Ever done any illegal drugs?

Do you think a person can fall out of love?

Would you judge someone for having more friends on LJ than in real life?


Re: here goes missnickers March 4 2006, 20:05:52 UTC
Friends: Do you think that show was honestly as good as everyone else seemed to think?
Well, I watched it like the lemming that I am. It wasn't my *favorite* show, but I appriciated the fact that it was consistently funny for however many seasons it was on. Is this where I insert our AIM convo on how "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is like a mutated, animated version of "Friends" that takes place in a sewer? ;)

Sex: What was the most number of times you had sex in one day?
Four, non-consecutive times. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I bet K is cringing in a corner somewhere...

Music: What's your least favorite genre?
Probably Country. Sorry, it usually depresses the shit out of me, and I have a horrible fear of fiddles.

Drugs: Ever done any illegal drugs?No, not that I haven't had ample opportunity, living in northern CA (the hippies are plentiful) and UCSB. I could really care less if other people smoke pot or whatever, but I don't like that altered, being out of control feeling. I have a "thing" with that.... I can't ( ... )


timewanderer March 4 2006, 05:39:08 UTC
- Friends - Has a friend ever dated one of your ex-boyfriends?

- Sex - Would you ever entertain the notion of going to a female strip club with your boyfriend/husband?

- Music - Is there a song that brings you back to your childhood?

- Drugs - If marijuana ever becomes legalized, do you think you would "give it a shot"?

- Love - What is the most romantic thing youve ever done? (or if you've never done anything romantic, what would your fantasy romantic date be like?)

- Livejournal - If LiveJournal were to make it easy for bloggers to incorporate video blogging, would you adopt that way of blogging and forego typing entries into a message box?


missnickers March 4 2006, 20:34:36 UTC
- Friends - Has a friend ever dated one of your ex-boyfriends?
No, not that I know of.... If they did, they never told me

- Sex - Would you ever entertain the notion of going to a female strip club with your boyfriend/husband?
Oh, TOTALLY! I think it would be fun! ;)

- Music - Is there a song that brings you back to your childhood?
Basically any oldies, especially the Beach Boys. My dad used to play that stuff all the time when I was growng up.

- Drugs - If marijuana ever becomes legalized, do you think you would "give it a shot"?No, probably not. It's not the fact that it's illegal that keeps me from doing it. I know enough poeple who do it now illegaly and don't get caught. It's the fact that I just plain don't like the feeling of being out of it like that, out of control, not clear headed. Plus, the munchies makes you eat more - and that's the LAST thing I need! I eat enough as is. If I wanted the same effect without the munchies, I could just not sleep for extended periods of time. Seriously, if anyone has seen me on ( ... )


You Will Answer...Because My Icon said So! anonymoose_au March 4 2006, 11:21:36 UTC
Joining in the party

Friends- Ever had a pity friend (ie someone you don't particularly like, but you feel sorry for 'em so you be friend with 'em anyway?)

Sex- Ever walked in on anyone doing it? If so what did you do?

Music- Ever listened to classical music for kicks?

Drugs- Ever had a weird reaction to a drug? Was it serious?

Love- Do you see yourself getting married in the future?

Livejournal- Did you think LJ would still be around after all this time?

Well they're pretty tame...enjoy!


That icon isn't my mom! It can't tell me what to do! missnickers March 4 2006, 20:52:59 UTC
Friends- Ever had a pity friend (ie someone you don't particularly like, but you feel sorry for 'em so you be friend with 'em anyway?)
Oh God, yes... This guy Dan in high school. The poor bastard had a crush on me, and everyone knew it, but I felt really bad for him because he was just the total epitome of akward geekiness that I was his friend because I just felt so bad for him. The funny thing is that I didn't really care what he thought of me, so I could be my real self (and talk about all my geek obsessions, which I couldn't do with most of my high school friends because they'd give me a hard time for it), and he and I would actually have pretty good conversations. Even though he'd sometimes laugh and get spittle on me. *shudder* He talked about MATH with me! NO ONE talks about math with me! Ironically, I think these conversations made him like me even more...

Sex- Ever walked in on anyone doing it? If so what did you do?*sigh* I'm angry with you for making me remember this, after I tried so hard to repress it. But yes, I ( ... )


Re: You Will Answer...Because My Icon said So! missnickers March 5 2006, 00:16:29 UTC
Oops, forgot this one!!! My bad!

Love- Do you see yourself getting married in the future?

I hope so! But I am always making comments about dying alone, so we'll see.... why, are you proposing to me???


Well...why you're asking... anonymoose_au March 5 2006, 00:46:04 UTC
I hope so! But I am always making comments about dying alone, so we'll see.... why, are you proposing to me???

Well, you may recall me mentioning to Max that I wanted to join the whacked-out never-ending fun that is the lawyer life! He said he'd keep an eye out for prospective suitors but it's just occured to me! You and I can go to Virginia get legally married and then drive around in a van solving mysteries! How 'bout it? :OP


Well I'M not takin' the tame route! XD power12252 March 4 2006, 14:36:49 UTC
Friends: What is the worst thing you ever did to a friend?

Sex: So let's have it out. How many guys?

Music: If you were in charge of the music industry, which current popular artist/group would you make sure never worked again?

Drugs: If there were an illegal drug that made you incredibly smart and ace law school, would you take it? (law steroids, LOL)

Love: Do you think it is possible to truly 100% get over your first love?

Livejournal: If LJ were closing its doors forever, and you could only write one more one-sentence post, what would it say?


Re: Well I'M not takin' the tame route! XD missnickers March 4 2006, 21:14:14 UTC
Friends: What is the worst thing you ever did to a friend?

I have't done that many mean thigns to friends, because y'know, they're FRIENDS. There was that time when Mike told me he was falling in love with me, and I replied that I only thought of him "as a woman-friend." That was probably a little harsh... I felt bad after that sliipped out.

Sex: So let's have it out. How many guys?

Are you referring to how many "Guys" are in the tub of animal crackers from costco? Good question... I've never counted. But if I had to guess, i'd say aprox 1,302. ;) If you mean something else, you should be more specific.

Music: If you were in charge of the music industry, which current popular artist/group would you make sure never worked again?Any music where children are singing. Dear god, children should not be allowed to sing. My parents have this CD of children singing Xmas songs, and I swear it fills me with this homicidal rage. Also J.LO. I have nothing against her as a person. She's very pretty and a decent actress. But the woman ( ... )


Re: Well I'M not takin' the tame route! XD power12252 March 4 2006, 21:50:47 UTC
1) ROTFLMAO!! Well, the guy DID walk around in your bra. If he really wanted to be a man and win you over, perhaps he should have thought of a different method.

2) LOL! Okay, smartass, how many male homo sapiens have you engaged in consensual sexual intercourse with?

Oh, and while we're at it, do you think the male "guys" get it on with the female "guys"? I mean, they're just sitting there in the jar with nothing else to do.

3) I'll take that as a resounding YES. I would take 'em too. Besides, if they really do make you a legal genius, then even if I got busted, I would just represent myself and get an easy acquittal.

4) Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

5) That was beautiful! *sniff* I'm assuming that as you were typing that, you were also saying it in the proper Scottish accent.


Re: Well I'M not takin' the tame route! XD missnickers March 4 2006, 22:17:39 UTC
Okay, smartass, how many male homo sapiens have you engaged in consensual sexual intercourse with?

Do you mean that in the strict sense of the term, as defined by Bill Clinton? Or in the looser, all applies definition? ;)

Oh, and while we're at it, do you think the male "guys" get it on with the female "guys"? I mean, they're just sitting there in the jar with nothing else to do.

OMG, it's one big animal cracker orgy! And the the creepiest thing is the circus music that plays while they are getting it on... *shudder* It's a wonder I can still eat them after that.


mell_o_drama March 4 2006, 14:44:05 UTC
Oh, I so need to do this one!

How many friends have you made through the Internet and the Internet alone?

If you could spend a night of passionate wild jungle sex with anyone in the world, no strings, no conscequences, who would it be?

What's the first song you remember loving as a kid?

If you had kids who were on the, shall we say, more self-willed side of the good behaviour track, would you use medication to calm them down? (Drugs are more interesting when there's a moral, I find! :-p)

Do you believe it's possible to have 'one true love', and only one?

How many memes do you post in your journal, on average? :-p (I think I'm likely to be above average!)


missnickers March 4 2006, 21:52:29 UTC
Friends - How many friends have you made through the Internet and the Internet alone?
Oh wow, lots, more than I could count! Lots of casual friends, but a handful of close ones... My roommate and I actually met origionally via the 'net, like, 10 years ago through the "Back to the Future" fandom. Generally, I think I relate more to my 'net friends more than I do with strictly real life friends, mostly because we're drawn together from similar interests rather than mere proximity. Not that I don't love my RL friends....

Sex - If you could spend a night of passionate wild jungle sex with anyone in the world, no strings, no conscequences, who would it be?Oh jeez, so many to choose from. If it was *just* for sex, I'd have to pick Paul Waker because I think he is hot jungle love perfection personified. But he's not allowed to speak. Seriously, I've seen/read interviews with him and... no. He should never speak without a written script. If talking or anything other than just wild sex were involved, I would definitely pick someone ( ... )


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