No seriously, for real this time

Sep 07, 2010 09:32

Ugh. At some point this weekend Kate and I were driving from one social engagement to another and I just pressed my hands to my face and moaned "I am in crisis mode." Mind you, both social engagements were people that I love and enjoy, and really this weekend was actually pretty fun, but ( Read more... )

stressssssss, operation 2010: try being an adult

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Comments 20

liminalliz September 7 2010, 14:38:00 UTC
I love you, gf, & I'm emailing you right now


misskittye September 7 2010, 15:41:14 UTC
<3 You're the best, my darling!


extemporally September 7 2010, 14:59:21 UTC
♥ I am sorry things are tough right now, duder. Sending you good vibes from this direction.


misskittye September 7 2010, 15:40:27 UTC
Thanks to everyone it's tough, but not lonely. <3

Also, Johnny and Stephane knew I couldn't handle a OTP Fail weekend and gave me a fantastic amount of cuddles. (Why do they love fiddling with each other's costumes so much? Is it because they're familiar with dressing and undressing each other? Hmmm?) You saw that video, right?


extemporally September 7 2010, 16:06:01 UTC


misskittye September 7 2010, 16:18:34 UTC

The caption to this video is "It was actually longer than I was able to capture. They're friendly with each other!"


the_liftedlorax September 7 2010, 15:57:42 UTC
Three songs I listen to (on youtube) when I feel this way:

This Year - The Mountain Goats

Little Victories - Matt Nathanson

Swim - Jack's Mannequin


misskittye September 7 2010, 16:32:50 UTC
I love The Mountain Goats so much. And I love new music. Thank you for the mood music. :)


the_liftedlorax September 7 2010, 17:33:13 UTC
You're welcome! I had an awful year in 2009 and I spent a lot of time creating playlists that basically embodied "I am going to make it through this year if it kills me." The Mountain Goats featured heavily in a lot of them, surprise surprise.


extemporally September 7 2010, 16:03:20 UTC
♥ I am sorry things are tough right now, duder. Sending you good vibes from this direction.


extemporally September 7 2010, 16:04:15 UTC
Holy crap, twice by accident! Consider my good wishes doubled? /o\


th_esaurus September 7 2010, 16:50:19 UTC
Hold onto the fact that these feelings will pass <3 Ilu, take it as easy as you can.


misskittye September 7 2010, 17:52:27 UTC
Baw, you are such a dear. Thank you! And I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!


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