I keep failing Morning 101

Jul 13, 2010 12:45

Yesterday morning I woke up late, put on a dress I hated, left my house without packing lunch, and still arrived at work 6 minutes late. Two hours later my face felt like BP failed to cap the oil leak supplying my pores, I was horrified and uncomfortable in my outfit and I couldn't focus worth a damn. Come 11:30 I drove home, took a shower, changed ( Read more... )

white skates of gender conformity, unfortunately i work for a living, operation 2010: try being an adult

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Comments 13

th_esaurus July 13 2010, 17:59:33 UTC
Ugh, inappropriately fond tweets are the best.

SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE THOSE DAYS <3 The universe still likes you.


misskittye July 13 2010, 18:19:46 UTC
Seriously, twitter is the best for celebs being all wink, wink, nudge, nudge, flirt, flirt with each other. Random celebs, too. I'm not so sold on it as a way to keep friendships going (it's not the best for real connections), but I'm digging the fic fodder.


trixiesfic July 13 2010, 18:01:07 UTC
Jeremy Ten is so TINY and PRESH. How is that possible?

Also, I completely agree with you on Johnny and Stephane. That picture of their feet should not, in any rational way, be that exciting, and yet. It's all Johnny's fault being all, "Stephane, ho hum, whatever", and talking like they barely know each other.

I mean, look, I got sucked into being a Kradam shipper, and there are entire complex theories built around when Kris and Adam stopped talking about each other all the time. So I'm kind of pre-disposed. You're going to have to try harder than that, Johnny Weir.


misskittye July 13 2010, 18:18:24 UTC
Jeremy Ten is ADORABLE. I added him on a whim on twitter and have not regretted a single second of it. This flirting with Jeremy is recent but dear God, do I approve. I'm still really focused on Johnny/ Stéphane but lately bizarro pairings like the Jeremy's, and Adam Rippon/Brian Joubert are becoming total cravings. I need to figure out their respective height differences for maximum perving.

And right? I feel like if Johnny was as blah about Stéphane as he is about Evan I'd have as easy a time being like, "This is all flights of fancy." I mean people ask him outright shippy questions about Evan and he's just "::eyeroll:: not really" about it and then they ask him about Stéphane, who he has MADE A POINT OF SAYING HE CONSIDERS A FRIEND SEVERAL TIMES and suddenly it's all "I don't even like him that much." Which okay, fine. I could accept that they're not BFFs or something. But then to each time be photographed or taped with Stéphane shortly after quite obviously enjoying his company just makes it all weird and it's HUMAN NATURE TO ( ... )


trixiesfic July 13 2010, 18:44:55 UTC
Don't feel crazy, it's what we do in fandom. :)

Johnny is so funny about certain things. Like, I really believe that the more he tries to downplay something, the more it means to him. He does that about a lot of things, and therefore I can only conclude that he LOVES STEPHANE A LOT.

And oh, random pairings. I'm pretty much up for shipping Adam Rippon with many people, especially since that bus video where he showed his evil (but still completely presh!) side.


misskittye July 13 2010, 19:22:14 UTC
Johnny is one of the hardest to understand people I've ever been a fan of. How he can all at once be too honest for his own good, and then say wildly contradictory things from one moment to the next is baffling to me. I'm getting used to it in as much 95% of the time I just roll my eyes and go "Oh Johnny" but the Stéphane was a little "D: face" inducing, I'll admit. I just needed a little boost to make 100% sure that Johnny and Stéphane still caused each other big heart eyes every time they find themselves in the same place ( ... )


berrylicious877 July 13 2010, 18:18:09 UTC
I'll be 33 in a little over a month, and I still hit the snooze for up to TWO HOURS some days. I have been known to set my alarm for 5:00 and still manage not to roll into the office until almost 10. 5 hours of wasted time.

Oh, no, what if it gets worse with age?

We are all doomed. We might as well never go to work.


misskittye July 13 2010, 18:21:55 UTC
Oh jeez. Maybe I should give up the 9-5 and start looking for night jobs. ;_____;


berrylicious877 July 13 2010, 18:23:38 UTC
I would consider the same thing, but I fear I would just end up eventually showing up at 5 a.m.


crimsoncourt July 13 2010, 22:10:52 UTC
Who in the world passes Morning 101?


inthenameofjuc July 14 2010, 03:06:26 UTC
AHAHA, that was not the picture i was expecting of the two of them.


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