I keep failing Morning 101

Jul 13, 2010 12:45

Yesterday morning I woke up late, put on a dress I hated, left my house without packing lunch, and still arrived at work 6 minutes late. Two hours later my face felt like BP failed to cap the oil leak supplying my pores, I was horrified and uncomfortable in my outfit and I couldn't focus worth a damn. Come 11:30 I drove home, took a shower, changed outfits, ate lunch, drove back to work and salvaged the day as much as I could.

Did I learn my lesson? Did I choose an outfit last night, go to bed on time and set the alarm earlier?


No I did not.

This morning I hit the snooze button too many times, realized I had fifteen minutes to shower, dress, and eat and it just was not going to happen. So what do I do? Do I accept the consequences and struggle on?


I emailed my boss and told him I would be coming in at 10am (ie- 2 hours late) then I set my alarm for another hour of sleep and went down like a ton of bricks. When the alarm went off a second time, get this, I STILL HIT THE SNOOZE. I came in today at 10:30. I just. HOW AM I 26? I feel like any minute The Powers That Be are going to bust my ass back down to 12 year old.

And you know what? They'd be right to do it.

Four awesome things:

1. Daisuke Takahashi talked about choreographing his short program with Stéphane and Stéphane apparently wined and dined him every day that he was in Switzerland. Also they probably kissed (I'm assuming).

2. Jeremy Ten continues to clamor for Jeremy Abbott's attention and I don't care if Jeremy/Massimo is a given, I want fic. Immediately after he was like, "OH BY THE WAY, HERE I AM WITH SHIRTLESS MEN. JUST SAYING. JEREMY." (Warning, he's TINY in this).

3. Evgeni Plushenko has never seemed so cool as when he's casually calling Johnny Weir a Russian petname often reserved for boyfriends/girlfriends.

@JohnnyGWeir Привет,малыш!
Hi, kid! [NB (translator): ‘malysh’ isn’t quite kid, it’s a very affectionate ‘kid’. You’ll often find Russian boys calling their girlfriends ‘malyshka’]

4. Stéphane and Johnny thankfully prevented me from setting fire to the whole internet by allowing a single, solitary photo to be taken of them while they were in Japan doing shows together. It's a blurry, neck down shot of them dining together (alone?) and came with the explanation that "face" pictures were not allowed for privacy and possibly for rumor control.

Listen, I am not a person that needs to believe in the reality of a pairing to enjoy it, but something about Johnny saying that Stéphane is nice and all but he's by far looking forward to spending time with other people only to then spend time with Stéphane really wants me to become one of those people that believes in the reality of a pairing. ::takes deep breaths and pinches self:: And we're back. Yay real person fiction fodder.

white skates of gender conformity, unfortunately i work for a living, operation 2010: try being an adult

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